


美式发音: [rɪˈlentləs] 英式发音: [rɪ'lentləs]




Adj.+n.relentless rise,relentless pressure,relentless advance





1.不停的;持续强烈的;不减弱的not stopping or getting less strong

her relentless pursuit of perfection她对完美的不懈追求

The sun was relentless.太阳还是那么热。

2.不放弃的;严格的;苛刻的;无情的refusing to give up or be less strict or severe

a relentless enemy残酷的敌人


adj.1.something bad that is relentless never seems to stop or improve2.determined, and never stopping your attempts to achieve something

1.无情的 laudatory 表示赞美的,褒扬的 relentless 无情的 lethal 致命的(忘了,死了) ...

2.残酷的 sapless 没有无气的 relentless 无情的,残酷的 dauntless 勇敢的,无畏的 ...

3.冷酷 turbulent 混乱的,动荡的= relentless 无情,冷酷 kennel 有 ...

4.冷酷的 inexorable( 无动于衷的); relentless( 无情的,冷酷的); pitiless( 无同情心的,冷 …

5.日落杀手 Regarding Henry 还我情真 Relentless 日落杀手 Repc,The 变种 第三类终结者 ...

6.冷酷无情的 relent 发仁慈、慈善的 relentless 冷酷无情的 care 关心 ...

7.坚韧的 Steady and persistent;unremitting: 继承用法 relentless 无情的,坚韧的 relentless 无情的(坚韧的) ...


1.If it happens that this discourse is missing, the presiding judge is relentless, the jury is upset.如果发生此类话语落空的情况,主审法官不会就此罢休,陪审团则心烦意乱。

2.The president also said the United States will be relentless in defending itself against terrorism.奥巴马总统还说,美国将毫不留情地捍卫自己免遭恐怖主义袭击。

3.It does not take analytical genius to see historical forces of this kind engaged in their relentless impoverishment over the past 10 years.无需具备擅长分析的天分,就能看清这类历史力量在过去十年无情地发挥着打击力。

4.Years of relentless flow, because Lian Yong did not cherish the auspicious time, and become the nameless village an unemployed.岁月无情流过,廉勇因没有珍惜大好年华,而成为无名村一个无业者。

5.The exception indicated the ever relentless vigour with which society frowned upon her sin.这一绝无仅有的例外说明,社会对她的罪孽始终是深恶痛绝的。

6.It is what helped lead to a relentless focus on a company's next quarter, to the detriment of its next year or decade, " he said. "这是这一点导致对一个公司下一季度下一年或未来十年的损害。

7."Working for the News of the World was never easy. There was relentless pressure. There was a constant demand for results, " he said.“为《世界新闻报》工作从不轻松。压力无止尽,对成果的要求也无止尽,”他表示。

8.But MND is relentless in its grinding down of both patients and those close to them, and it's a shock from which it is not easy to recover.但是MND无情的折磨着患者的同时,也使他们身边的人痛苦不堪,尤其打击人的是它是很难康复的。

9.But the point of this is all this time you can see what I have seen all these years. It just keeps going up. It is relentless.但重点在于你一直都能看到的,我这些来所看到的,它持续上升这是个无情的现实。

10.She was the first day, sitting in the front row, to those who pursue the vision of a relentless back of the head.她每天到得最早,坐在前排,给那些追寻的目光一个无情的后脑勺。