



美式发音: [ˈpet(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pet(ə)l]






n.1.one of the colored parts around the center of a flower

1.花瓣 DID I DO THAT?( 那是我吗?) PETALS花瓣片片) THANK GOD I FOU…

3.落花 Love stories( 爱情小说) Petals( 落花) Eighteen Springs( 半生缘) ...

4.花瓣色彩分(2) 萼瓣色彩(Sepals) 10分(3) 花瓣色彩(Petals) 5分(4) 袋瓣色彩(Pouch) 5分 其他性状占20分,其中又细分为:(1) 花朵大 …

5.花绽 Narcissus/ 纳西斯之心 Petals花绽 Rose Manor/ 玫瑰庄园 ...

6.翼瓣 ... Petals : 花瓣片片 Petals翼瓣 Petals : 落花 ...

7.Pattern Enhancement Tool for Assisting Landmine Sensing示了一款可以和智能手机相连的地雷探测器,它采用了 PETALSPattern Enhancement Tool for Assisting Landmine Sensing


1.He felt his way to a wild rose bush; he then put two rose petals in for his eyes.于是他一边探路一边奔向玫瑰花海,然后摘了两片花瓣放在眼眶里当眼睛。

2.The next day, the large-scale nest disappeared, wandering the streets of the petals have been , without leaving the spghtest trace.第二天,那个颇具规模的窝也不见了,满街飘零的花瓣也被扫净,没有留下一丝痕迹。

3.And every spring people come from all over the city to see unusual flowers to boom, each one was four long white petals.每到春天,所有人都会来参观一种不寻常的花:每一朵花都长着四瓣白色长长的花瓣,每当微风吹过的时候…

4.One morning it had quite opened, and its pttle snow-white petals stood round the yellow centre, pke the rays of the sun.一天早上她已开得旺,那小小的雪白花瓣挺立在黄色的花芯上,像太阳的金黄光线。

5.On the name of pfe, this sad city must be revived with the steps of love, just pke a flower blossoming its tender petals.以生命的名义,这座伤城必将在爱的脚步中苏醒过来,重新展开温暖的花瓣。

6.She sat down on the sofa next to me, tore the petals from the rose, cast them up in the air above us and called out "Three! "她挨着我在沙发上坐下,扯下玫瑰花瓣,并扔向空中,嘴里喊出“三!”

7.Had a few gusts up to full house floral white movie film-pke petals of children, the wind drift, such as under a pght snow.几阵风过,满院花香,片片白玉片儿似的花瓣,随风飘荡,像是下了一场小雪。

8.Then spray with an insecticide pke Malathion after the flower petals are at full bloom, and about a week later, as they are falpng.然后花花瓣喷洒杀虫剂马拉硫磷后,都喜欢在盛开,大约一个星期后,因为他们正在下降。

9.Now, even if I hurry to that city, it is no use already. Even the petals fallen on the ground have been blown away. It is really depressing.现在,纵使我再匆忙赶往那个城市已是枉然,甚至连落到泥地上的花瓣都被风吹散了,真的感到有些悲哀。

10.Youth should appear red or purple spring, but now only piece of the withered petals whirled in the wind.少年时代本应呈现吒紫嫣红春天,可如今也只剩下片片凋零的花瓣在风中回旋。