


美式发音: [lu] 英式发音: [luː]


网络释义:一个厕所;一法(leave one out);卢




1.厕所;盥洗室;洗手间;浴室a toilet/bathroom

She's gone to the loo.她去盥洗室了。

Can I use your loo, please?我可以用一下你的厕所吗?


n.1.a toilet, or a room that contains a toilet

1.厕所 boo 用以吓人的声音 loo n. <英俚>厕所,洗手间 map 地图 ...

2.洗手间 boo 用以吓人的声音 loo n. <英俚>厕所,洗手间 map 地图 ...

3.一个厕所 prototypes 样机或模型 loo (英式俚语)一个厕所 flush toilet 抽水马桶 ...

4.一法(leave one out) ... loo n. water-closet 洗手间,厕所 market v. send to market for sale (在市场上)销售 ...

6.卢 LONG 朗, 塱 LOO LOOK 陆 ...

7.英式英语常用俚语 Catchphrase 名言,警句 Loo 英式英语常用俚语 Three Adverbs 三个副词 ...


1.It's pke I said. She left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important that she depver it.我已经说过了,她去上厕所,出来的时候手拿着这个盒子,她说她必须把东西送到。

2.And it has been a bonanza for plumbing manufacturers, which are vying for a piece of the world's largest loo market.而且这对那些水暖制造商商来说简直就是一笔横财,他们正企图从这个世界上最大的厕所市场上获取一席之地。

3.But a flush loo is no option in slums where rain is the only form of flushing.但冲水式厕所在贫民窟里不太实际,那里只有雨水才能起冲刷作用。

4.One of the first things you notice is how much loo paper there is in your bathroom.你注意到的第一件事就是在你的浴室里堆放着厚厚一叠手纸。

5.There was no loo in the physio's room, and the Villa changing area was well out of bounds. What about using the referee's room?物理治疗师的房间里没有厕所,而维拉移动区又实在太远。那么裁判室又如何?

6.In the Big Brother house there was no hiding, except in the loo. Everything was on camera.在【大哥大】里一切无所遁形,除了上厕所,凡事都看在摄影机眼里。

7.Gee, now I can go to the ball! -Just a minute! You can't go in them rags. -Wow! Toodle-loo! And thanks.哎,现在我能参加舞会了!-等一下!你不能穿着破破烂烂地去。-哇!再见!谢谢。

8.On how you loo at it, of course are better than nothing to.要看你怎样去看待它了。当然有总比没有好吧。

9.Whoever squeezed the loo into the gap by the sink probably never sat on it, you needed a friend to help you get up and out of the gap.也不知道是谁把马桶挤装在洗手盆旁边的沟沟里,估计他从来没有在上面坐过的,你得需要朋友帮忙你才能站起来和挤出来。

10."hoo loo_loo . " a pttle fat piglet came out of the box .“轱辘辘……”箱子里滚出一只小胖猪来。