


美式发音: [ˈtæntrəm] 英式发音: ['tæntrəm]



复数:tantrums  同义词




1.(尤指儿童)耍脾气,使性子a sudden short period of angry, unreasonable behaviour, especially in a child

to have/throw a tantrum发脾气

Children often have temper tantrums at the age of two or thereabouts.儿童在两岁左右经常爱使性子。


n.1.an occasion when someone suddenly behaves in a very angry and unreasonable way, often screaming, crying, or refusing to obey someone. This word is usually used about children

1.发脾气 anecdote:n. 轶事, 奇闻 28。 tantrum:n. 发脾气, 发怒 29。 distressed:adj. 哀伤的 30。 ...

2.脾气发作 shun 闪躲 -闪 tantrum 脾气发作 -太蠢 bachelor 学士/单身汉 -白吃了 ...

3.发怒 anecdote:n. 轶事, 奇闻 28。 tantrum:n. 发脾气, 发怒 29。 distressed:adj. 哀伤的 30。 ...

4.勃然大怒 spectrum 光谱,范围 tantrum 勃然大怒,脾气发作 strum (漫不经心地)弹奏 ...

5.突然发怒 4. satisfy v. 使满意; 满足 5. tantrum n. 突然发怒 7. date v. 与人约会, 相约 ...

6.太蠢 shun( 闪) 闪躲 ; tantrum( 太蠢)脾气发作 bachelor 学士/单身汉(白吃了); ...

7.发怒,发脾气 445.systematic:haphazard 系统的:偶然的 446.tantrum:pacify 发怒,发脾气:使平静 447.tawdry:exquisite 俗丽的:优美的 ...

8.野牛 Headstrong 铁头 Tantrum 野牛 Rampage 猛虎 ...


1.Had I been a child of eight rather than a woman of 28, I might have had a temper tantrum.难道我只是个八岁的孩子,而不是个28岁的女人?

2.Her child was throwing a tantrum in the middle of the street and she did not know what to do.她的孩子在街道上耍性子,她也不知道该怎么办才好。

3.Mum made up a safe place for me to go when he is having a tantrum - I go into her room and lock the door.妈妈让我在Eric发脾气的时候去一个安全的地方---她的卧室,并把房门锁上。

4.'End of subject. End of tantrum. No apology. No talk. It's as if the entire incident had not happened, ' she says.“问题结束了,脾气发完了,没有道歉,也不必多言,就像什么事都没有发生过一样,”她说。

5.The book opens with an account of a man who rips his own testicles off with a cord after a tantrum involving allegations of infidepty.该书的开篇就描述了一个人在被指控不忠后愤怒的用细绳扯断了自己的睾丸。

6.When my 3-year-old is having a tantrum, I pick him up and bring him into another room -- even if it's to put him in his crib for a time-out.当我3岁的孩子发脾气时,我就把他抱起来,带他到另外一间房间或他的床上。

7.Often, events leading up to a tantrum are critical to whether the tantrum actually takes place, research shows.研究表明,通常情况下,导致发脾气的事件对发脾气是否真正发生至关重要。

8.Backing my 6-year-old into a corner and demanding he do what I need him to do just doesn't work -- and it usually results in a tantrum.把我6岁的孩子领到墙角,然后命令他照我说的做是没有一点用的——这只会让他大发脾气。

9.Dad said: "From now on, if you do not throw a tantrum one day can be pulled out in this nail-day. "爸爸说:“从今以后,如果你一天都没有发脾气,就可以在这天拔掉一根钉子。”

10.A messy desk or sloppy punctuation might be enough to set off a temper tantrum.一张杂乱的办公桌,或者潦草的标点符号都可能成为发火的引子。