




1.斐罗斐罗philo)说:“当鹳鸟老了不能飞翔时,它们住在巢中,由子女喂养,幼鸟的辛苦就是孝心。”1、登记条件(三个):必须 …

2.斐洛斐洛Philo) :(约公元前15年~前40年/前45年),是生於亚历山大城的犹太哲学家和政治家。 伊壁鸠鲁 (Epicurus) :(公元前341 …

3.菲洛如菲洛(Philo)和卡恩斯(Kearns,1993)认为,在竞争性的地方营销中,城市资产阶级加速了文化、历史和地方的分化。然而, …

4.菲罗菲罗(Philo) 西经123.29 北纬39.06 UTC/GMT-08:00派恩克雷斯特(Pinecrest) 西经120.46 北纬38.08 UTC/GMT-08:00先锋(Pion…


6.犹太哲学家腓罗(4)著名的犹太哲学家腓罗Philo)也不承认次经为正典。(5)早期的教父(church fathers)不承认次经为正典。

7.犹太哲学家斐洛  犹太哲学家斐洛(Philo)在公元1世纪末说腓尼基人逢到天降大旱,他们向天 空中的太阳举手,因为他们将太阳奉若神明,视其为 …

8.犹太学者斐洛引用了著名的犹太学者斐洛( Philo) 对于早期基督教修道士的描述“他们禁戒一切的酒与肉, 水是他们唯一的饮料, 面包的调味品, …


1.Philo Farnsworth had to solve several problems before he could produce a working television system.菲罗.范斯沃斯在他研制电视系统前,必须先解决几个问题。

2.He science teacher recognized that Philo had an unusual intellect and helped him learn as much about science as he could.理科教师,他认识到,斐罗了不同寻常的智慧和帮助他学习了有关科学他可以。

3.Within a few months, Philo Farnsworth had found several people who wanted to invest money in his invention.在此后的几个月中,菲罗已经发现有好几个人愿意为他的发明进行投资。

4.It was my first meeting with a philo- sophy that confirmed my vague speculations and seemed at once logical and boundless.这是我第一次接触哲学,它证明了我那些模糊的猜测,同时又显得那么的条理井然、广阔无垠。

5.you still more inconveniences, continued Philo, in your anthropomorphism ; please to take a new survey of your principles.但是,为了指出你的人神相似说中的更多不当之处,请重新考察一下你自己的原则。

6.Philo also had no money to develop his ideas. His idea for a working television would have to wait.另一个问题是他没有钱来实现他的这个想法。他要研制电视系统的想法不得不再等等。

7.These included early writings of Ppny, Philo and Josephus among others allowing comparisons of texts as well as historical contexts.Ppny的包含早期作品还有其他允许以及历史的上下文文本的比较Philo和Josephus。

8.Philo did not give up his idea for creating a television.菲罗没有放弃研制电视机的想法。

9.In fact, the most famous was Philo of Alexandria, who pved a bit before the time of Paul.事实上,最著名的是亚历山大的斐洛,他活的时期要略早于保罗。

10." Johnson next avers that " Philo may well be called the first Father of such a Church.约翰逊接着断言,“斐洛(古犹太神秘主义哲学家)很可能被称为是这样一个教会的首位教父。”