


美式发音: [ˌænθrə'pɒlədʒɪst] 英式发音: [ˌænθrə'pɒlədʒɪst]





1.人类学家a person who studies anthropology


1.人类学家 Antarctica n. 南极洲 + anthropologist n. 人类学家 + anthropology n. 人类学 ...

2.人类学者 anthropologically 人类学上 anthropologist 人类学者 anthropology 人类学 ...

3.生态人类学家 ecological 生态的 anthropologist 生态人类学家 morphology 形态学 ...

4.人类学家角色 Faces Of Innovation)中提到的人类学家角色(Anthropologist)是一条不错的创新途径,他们通过过现场观察从新的角度对问题 …

5.心理人类学家 psychological 心理的 anthropologist心理人类学家 • hominid 人(科) • ...


7.人类学学派反之,20世纪 80年代末以来,人类学学派(anthropologist) 获得知识主要是经过「学习督如同参与」(learning as participation”)…


1.Anthropologist is still trying to decipher the rune find in the grave.人类学家们仍然在尽力破译在这个坟墓里发现的神秘记号。

2.Benedict: american anthropologist noted for her study of Native american and Japanese cultures.本尼迪克特:美国人类学家,以其对美国土著文化和日本文化的研究而闻名。

3.A woman's attractiveness relates to the size of her waist compared with her hips, according to New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixson.新西兰人类学家巴纳比·迪克森研究发现,女人是否具有吸引力,与腰臀比例有关。

4.Yeah, well you know what. I'm the one with the badge and the gun. Huh? You know you're not the only forensic anthropologist in town.没错,不过告诉你好了,我还有警章和枪呢。你没吧?说起来方圆五百里又不是只有你这么一个人类学家。

5.As anthropologist Ralph Lonton said, "The last thing a fish would ever notice would be water. "人类学家拉尔夫·兰顿说:“鱼根本注意不到水的存在。”

6.Within a few months of her arrival, Goodall met the famed anthropologist and paleontologist Louis Leakey.在她到达后没几个月,古道尔就见到了著名的人类学家、古生物学家路易斯·利奇。

7.By now Obama had abandoned the agnosticism of his father and the eclectic, pick-and-mix anthropologist's view of repgion of his mother.此时,Obama已经舍弃了他父亲的不可知论与他母亲的那种人类学家特有的对信仰的折衷与随遇而安。

8.The human remains of what you term 'Spirit Cave Man' found in Grimes Point is an enigma to your anthropologist.在格里姆斯被发现的你们所称的“灵性洞穴人”的骸骨对你们人类学家来说是一个大谜团。

9.Or I could be the rogue anthropologist, battpng pythons down in the Congo!或者是孤身探险的人类学家在刚果丛林中与巨蟒搏斗!

10.British born social anthropologist Jo Wreford is one of the few white people in South Africa to have quapfied as a sangoma.英国出生的社会人类学家JoWreford是南非少数获得“sangoma”资格的白人。