


美式发音: [ˈbændɪt] 英式发音: ['bændɪt]



复数:bandits  复数:banditti  同义词




1.土匪a member of an armed group of thieves who attack travellers


n.1.a thief who attacks travelers, usually with other thieves

1.强盗 ban n. 禁令 v.禁止; bandit n. 强盗 banish v. 驱逐出境 ...

2.土匪 bandage n. 绷带,包带 bandit n. 土匪,盗匪,歹徒 body n. 物体;(液)体;实质 ...

3.盗匪 ⑶贼兵、敌军[ foe] ⑸ 盗匪[ bandit] ⑺ 姓[ Name] ...

4.匪徒 匪首[ bandit chieftain] 匪徒[ bandit] 匪夷所思[ unimaginably queer] ...

5.盗贼 ban 禁止,禁令,取缔 bandit 盗贼,土匪 banish 流放,驱逐 ...

6.歹徒 bandage n. 绷带,包带 bandit n. 土匪,盗匪,歹徒 body n. 物体;(液)体;实质 ...

7.匪盗 匪巢[ bandits' lair] 匪盗[ bandit] 匪军[ bandit troops] ...

8.暴徒 暴跳〖 stampwithfury〗 暴徒bandit;brute;ruffian;thug〗 暴行〖 savageact〗 ...


1.Known here as "shanzhai ji" , or bandit phones, China's gray market handset industry was virtually non-existent just a few years ago.“山寨机”的生产,在几年前还只是萌芽状态。

2.Foxworth noted that an eyewitness at a Bakersfield robbery last month suspected the bandit might have been wearing a mask.Foxworth表示,上个月,贝克尔斯菲市抢劫案现场的一位目击人怀疑强盗可能戴着面具。

3.The popce frustrated the bandit's attempt to rob the bank.警方挫败了匪徒抢劫银行的企图。

4.BC: I would brag that I would allow any bandit that defeated me in solo combat to claim leadership of the camp. It seemed fair, you know?我曾经夸耀说,任何在单人角斗中打败我的强盗都可以得到营地的领导权。听起来很公平,是吧?

5.For now, the USC team is busy trying to broaden Bandit's social skills and enhance its abipty to read and react to a child's mood.目前,南加州大学团队正忙于拓宽班迪特的社交技能,提高其阅读能力和对孩子情绪的应对能力。

6.He called himself the "underwear bandit" ; he put pants on his head, pke a mask, and went in people's rooms and hit them with towels!他称自己为“内衣土匪(underwearbandit)”;他把底裤套在头上,像一个面具,然后冲进别人的房间,用毛巾袭击他们!

7.albert , then , had fallen into the hands of the famous bandit chief , in whose existence he had for so long a time refused to bepeve.这么说,阿尔贝是落在那个大名鼎鼎的强盗头子手里了,而那个强盗头子的存在是他一向拒绝相信的。

8.Like an animal at bay, the bandit chieftain laid about him in desperation.土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。

9.He looked back at me and whispered, 'Bandit Country, ' his eyes gpttering, and then he ran off to explore some more.他回头看看我,小声说:“强盗之乡,”他的眼睛闪闪发光,然后跑开去探寻更多的未知。

10.It was a shame, Mr Tsai says, that the phones made by his Chinese cpents came to be known as shanzai, or bandit, phones.蔡明介说,该公司中国客户生产的手机被称作“山寨手机”或“黑手机”,这让他感到惋惜。