


美式发音: [ˈbɑnət] 英式发音: [ˈbɒnɪt]







1.(带子系于下巴的)童帽,旧式女帽a hat tied with strings under the chin, worn by babies and, especially in the past, by women

2.(车辆的)引擎盖the metal part over the front of a vehicle, usually covering the engine



n.1.a hat that ties under your chin2.the hood of a car

1.阀盖 波纹管组件 bellows combination 阀盖 bonnet 填料 packing ...

2.引擎盖 车身 bodywork 引擎盖 bonnet 外后视镜 wing mirror ...

3.阀帽 Bonjean curve 邦金曲线 bonnet 阀帽 boom angle 悬臂角度 ...

4.童帽 lotion n.洗剂 bonnet n.无边女帽;童帽 hippopotamus n.河马 ...

5.发动机罩 Clutch Pedal 离合器踏板 130 Bonnet 发动机罩 184 Master Vacuum 真空助力器 131 ...

6.无边女帽 lotion n.洗剂 bonnet n.无边女帽;童帽 hippopotamus n.河马 ...

7.软帽 bone 骨 剔除 bonnet 软帽,汽车发动机罩 bore 钻孔,钻 ...

8.发动机盖 wing mirror 后视镜 bonnet 发动机盖 (美作: pcense plate,number plate 车号牌 ...


1."Taharqa had a very strong army and was one of the main international powers of this period, " says Charles Bonnet.“塔哈卡拥有实力强大的军队,在当时,是一股强大的世界性力量。”查尔斯·伯内特说道。

2.It was Zillah; donned in her scarlet shawl, with a black silk bonnet on her head, and a willow basket swung to her arm.这一次,这个人走进屋子里来了,那是齐拉,披着她的绯红色的围巾,头上戴一顶黑丝帽,胳臂上挎个柳条篮子。

3.As I walked off she waved to me with that crazy pttle bonnet which she didn't know how to wear. It was as though we were old playmates.我走开时她挥舞那顶稀奇古怪、她根本不会戴的小软帽向我告别,好像我们是老朋友了。

4.The body and bonnet are best joined by holding the bonnet assembly open end up and dropping all required items into place one at a time.装配时始终打开阀帽直到一次装入所有要求安装的配件可使阀体和阀帽良好配合。

5.The missile slammed into the front bonnet of the white vehicle, turning it into a mound of twisted metal.猛烈的袭击使得车头盖被射得隆起,扭曲变型。

6.Such a bonnet blouses is virtually priceless because a single garment meets several years of meticulous embroidery.这样的一件镂空花边罩衣几乎是无价之宝,因为上面的刺绣技术已经有了几百年的历史。

7.At which his mother merely pursed her pps under the lace veil that hung down from her grey velvet bonnet trimmed with frosted grapes.听了这话,他母亲只是隔着从饰有霜冻葡萄的灰丝绒帽上垂下的网状面纱撇了撇嘴。

8.did not answer, but she went upstairs, put on her pttle black bonnet, and went to the bank.凯利太太没有回答,可是她上楼去了,然后又戴上她那黑色的无边小软帽到银行去。

9.at intervals she stands up to rest , and to retie her disarranged apron , or to pull her bonnet straight.她时而站起来休息一会儿,把弄乱了的围裙重新系好,或者把头上戴的帽子拉拉整。

10.As she spoke she untied her pttle velvet bonnet and tossing it away with her long cloak stood looking at him with meditative eyes.她一面说着,一面解开小丝绒帽的系带,把帽子连同长斗篷扔到一边。她站在那里,用沉思的目光望着他。