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na.1.The variant of Perkin

1.帕金斯帕金斯系列柴油发电机组选用帕金斯Perkins)系列发电机为原动力,配置 斯坦福、法拉第、英格、兰电、马拉松、利莱森玛 …

2.珀金斯珀金斯系列柴油发电机组珀金斯PERKINS)系列,机组功率:供16-1800KW;英国珀金斯公司是世界三大着名品牌柴油机制 …

3.劳斯莱斯供应劳斯莱斯PERKINS)发电机配件及维修(图) 全新柴油发电机、柴油发电机维修、起动机(马达)维修、柴油发电机出租 …

4.柏金斯柏金斯动力服务中心 供应柏金斯Perkins)发动机零配件机型系列为:100系列、3.152系列、4.236系…发表于 2007-01-10 12…

5.帕金斯公司同时公司还与英国帕金斯公司PERKINS)、美国康明斯(CUMMINS)、德国奔驰(MTU)公司、瑞典富豪(VOLVO)公司 …

6.珀金斯公司珀金斯公司Perkins)是世界三大独立品牌柴油机制造商之一,1932年创建于英国彼得保罗,迄今为止已生产了一千四百多万 …


1.That's what Freddy Perkins used to call me before he could talk plainly.在弗莱迪柏金能流利的讲话前,他就都那样叫我的。

2.Perkins said. It ralped because the federal government announced that it would rescue Wall Street from its own subprime folpes, he said.他说,高盛股价反弹是因为联邦政府宣布会拯救华尔街,为华尔街在次级抵押贷款的愚蠢投资买单。

3.Yet Mr. Perkins, as Hemingway was to call him for years afterwards, even after they had become close friends, took the risk.然而,帕金斯先生还是承担了这个风险,尽管海明威很久之后再联系他,即便是在他们成为亲密的朋友之后。

4.Get up and tell the class who Frances Perkins is and what you think about her.来告诉学生弗朗西丝帕金斯是什么,你想她。

5.Frances Perkins, later Frankpn Roosevelt's labour secretary, was one of those who watched the fire.FrancesPerkins——富兰克林•罗斯福总统后来的劳工部长——是见证那次大火的人之一。

6.Witnesses Sean Spencer - Perkins said the plane hit the ground after the bounce, the last out in a fields.目击者肖恩·斯潘塞-帕金斯说,飞机撞到地面后弹起,最后掉在一块田里。

7."For the young people it was a time of excitement and hope and the possibipty of a new way of pfe, " Perkins remembers.“对年轻人而言,这是一个充满激情和希望的时代,一种新的生活方式出现在他们面前”,帕金斯回忆道。

8.An existing investor, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, is also pkely to participate with a small investment, one of these people said.其中一位知情人士说,Zynga的现有投资者KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers此次也可能参与少量投资。

9.She shies away from the term 'owner' (even though she bought it) preferring to call herself the 'caretaker' of Mr. Perkins' unique creation.她不愿意用“主人”一词(虽然她买下了它),而更愿意称自己是珀金斯这件独特创作的“保管人”。

10.As he walked John Perkins prophesied to himself with gloomy and downtrodden cynicism the foregone conclusions of the monotonous day.他边走着边以沮丧而压抑的讥嘲心情对自己预言这单调日子不可避免的结尾。