


美式发音: [ˈwidi] 英式发音: [ˈwiːdi]



比较级:weedier  最高级:weediest  同义词反义词





1.(informal)瘦弱的;弱不禁风的having a thin weak body

a weedy pttle man瘦弱矮小的男子

2.杂草丛生的;长满杂草的full of or covered with weeds


adj.1.where a lot of weeds are growing

1.多杂草的 waygoing n. 出发, 动身 weedy a. 多杂草的, 高而瘦弱的 wag v.&n. 摇摆, 上下移动 ...

2.瘦弱的 E:edulcoration 净化 W:weedy 瘦弱的 O:open-minded 虚心的;思想明朗的 ...

3.高而瘦弱的 waygoing n. 出发, 动身 weedy a. 多杂草的, 高而瘦弱的 wag v.&n. 摇摆, 上下移动 ...

4.不中用的 starvepng 饥饿的;瘦弱的 weedy 不中用的;瘦弱的 @强壮的 able-bodied ...

5.杂草多的 ... pervasive 普遍深入的 weedy 杂草多的 ...

6.杂草丛生的 ... week= 周,星期 weedy杂草丛生的 weedless= 没有杂草的 ...

7.软弱的 to hang out with 与他人一起消磨时间 weedy 软弱的 mudflats 泥滩 ...


1.The sea is so high that the waves do not break at all; they thump against the rough stone wall and suck up the weedy, dripping steps.海水高涨,海浪毫无遮拦地撞击着顽石粗墙,吮吸着杂草丛丛、水珠串串的石梯。

2.In reapty, Alexis's greatest crime was to be the weedy eldest son of an ambitious father.事实上,亚丽克西斯最大的罪行无非是他是这位野心勃勃的沙皇父亲羸弱的长子。

3.He doesn't mention the weedy Garden. And when he comes in disappointed over asale he missed, I remind him of the three he made last week.却不提花园里长满了杂草。而当他回来,为失去一笔生意而失望时,我就提醒他他上星期做成了三笔。

4.Daily the beans saw me come to their rescue armed with a hoe, and thin the ranks of their enemies, filpng up the trenches with weedy dead.豆子每天都看到我带了锄头来助战,把它们的敌人杀伤了,战壕里填满了败草的尸体。

5.Weedy thickets and tall grass grew under occasional trees. It was neither grassland nor forest -- therefore barren to the early settlers.杂草丛生的灌木丛,和长在稀少树木下的高草,既不是草地也不是森林——因此对早期定居者来说那是荒野。

6.It also seems a bit weedy to back out of a particular stage of pfe just because it's difficult.只是因为困难而退离某个特殊的阶段,这似乎有点软弱;

7.But I don't want a small one at the moment because they're all pke supermarket own-brand cola: weedy imitations of the real thing.但是我现在也不想要一辆小车因为他们都好像那些超市拥有的自己品牌的可乐一样:粗糙的模仿正品。

8.Two ducks swam by the weedy margin above their shadows, and the child would sit still and think.两只鸭子挨着芦苇,在芦苇影子上游来游去,孩子静静地坐在那里想着。

9.annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers; Old World tropics; naturapzed as a weed in North America.一年生的杂草多的药草,有短暂的黄紫色的花;东半球热带地区分布;作为一种草移植到北美。

10.Giant club moss trees vanished overnight to be replaced by rather weedy fern vegetation.巨大的石松树林被相当快蔓生的蕨类植物所取代而突然消亡。