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1.温盖特 ... (3)韦弗尔将军( Wavell) (4)奥德·温盖特将军( Wingate) (1)栗林中道( Kuribayashi) ...

4.号温盖特 ... (1人):10号瓦伦丁( Valentin、170cm) (1人):18号温盖特Wingate、188cm、 (1人):2号塞扬 …

5.温盖特市oordzee B.V.)的新合约,将在其位于英国温盖特市(Wingate),新的北海近海天然气开采项目中全面安装应用霍尼韦尔过程 …

6.代理服务器软件 ... Windows Movie Maker (微软的视频捕获和编辑软件。) WinGate共享上网工具。) WinRA…


1.Wingate said he has no major health issues.他没有严重的健康问题。

2.Molly Wingate, middle-aged, portly, dark browed and strong, stood at the door of the rude tent which for the time made her home.莫莉温盖特,中年,肥胖,黑眉和强有力的,站在帐篷的粗鲁的时间使她的家门口。

3."I am thrilled, " repped Roosevelt the next day, "by the news of our success under Wingate" .第二天,罗斯福答称,“听到我们的部队在温盖特指挥下获得胜利的消息,我十分振奋。”

4.So Wingate planted a scaffold species -- a fast-growing non-native evergreen, the casuarinas -- as a windbreak around the island.于是,温盖特又种了一种辅助物种——生长迅速、非本地生的常青植物木麻黄——作为环岛防风林。

5.The kind of assistance Wingate gave is not unnatural.温盖特所给予的那种帮助并没有违反自然规律。

6.Drastic situations require drastic measures, so Wingate instituted a "government housing program" for the cahow.严峻的形势下需要采取严厉的措施。因此,温盖特为圆尾鹱制定了“政府安居计划”。

7.The SS Jassim, a Bopvian cargo ferry, ran aground and sunk on the Wingate Reef off the coast of Sudan in 2003.2003年玻利维亚货船SS.Jassim在苏丹海岸边的温盖特暗礁搁浅并沉没。

8.A 30-second maximal cycle test developed at the Wingate Institute initiated efforts to develop work tests of anaerobic capacities.的30秒最大周期测试制定的温盖特学院开始努力开发工作无氧能力的测试。

9.This ensures that all mail and attachments entering or leaving the network via WinGate will be free from viruses and trojans.这样可以确认所以进入和出去的邮件及其附件都没有病毒和特洛依木马。

10.On Wingate 's island the presence of herons enables the presence of sedges.在温盖特的岛上,鹭的出现使莎草能够重现。