


美式发音: [ˈspænɪʃ] 英式发音: ['spænɪʃ]






1.西班牙的from or connected with Spain


1.[u]西班牙语(通用于西班牙、墨西哥以及中、南美洲多数国家)the language of Spain, Mexico and most countries in Central and S America

n.1.西班牙语2.西班牙人3.〈美〉新墨西哥 (New Mexico) 州的别名


n.1.the language of Spain and most countries in South and Central America2.the people of Spain

adj.1.someone who is Spanish is from Spain2.relating to Spain, or its language or culture

1.西班牙文 越南文( Vietnamese) 西班牙文( Spanish) 韩文( Korean) ...

2.西班牙人 expression 词语;表达;表示 Spanish 西班牙人;西班牙的 eastern 东方的;东部的 ...

3.西班牙的 expression 词语;表达;表示 Spanish 西班牙人;西班牙的 eastern 东方的;东部的 ...

4.西甲2/27 00:30 拉科(Lako)鲁尼亚现在在西甲(Spanish)排名第13,球队近来6场的战绩(Record)为1胜2平3负,有事直接奔主题, …

5.西语 德语 German 西语 Spanish 其它语种 other language ...

6.西班牙的,西班牙人 new a. 新的 Spanish a. 西班牙的,西班牙人 make n. (产品)来源 ...


1.Spanish Elm is the largest treehouse, with its own dining and lounge area, an alfresco shower and a wraparound deck fit for a filmstar.SpanishElm为其中最大的树屋房间,拥有自己的饭厅和起居室,以及露天淋浴。

2.During the few years of peace which followed, there was no substantial reduction in Spanish governmental expenditures.在以后几年的和平时期,西班牙政府的开支没有实质性减少。

3.Scene: Monica's Apartment, everyone is there and watching a Spanish Soap on TV and are trying to figure out what is going on.场景:莫妮卡的公寓,大伙都在,看电视里的西班牙语肥皂剧,努力猜测剧情。

4.The screen was an old one, of gilt Spanish leather, stamped and wrought with a rather florid Louis-Quatorze pattern.屏风已经旧了,是用镀金的西班牙皮革做的,上边有比较花哨的路易十四式的图案。

5.No-one wants to be the last investor to get out of Spanish debt, so it's natural to worry about what's coming next.没人想成为最后一个卖掉西班牙国债的投资者,因此很自然就会对即将发生的事情忧心忡忡。

6.'Heard of him! ' cried the squire. 'He was the worst pirate that ever sailed. The Spanish used to tremble just to hear his name! '“怎么没听说过?!”乡绅大声说。“他是有史以来最残暴的一个海盗。西班牙人听到他的名字就发抖。”

7.Spanish Angler, Maria Cista, 56, was trying to free the hook from a fish's mouth when the fish jumped out of her hand and into her mouth.在西班牙安哥拉,56岁的玛丽亚.西斯塔想把鱼钩从鱼嘴里拿出来,鱼跳离她的手进入到其口中。

8.after invading the phipppines , the spanish coloniapsts used it as a gangplank in an attempt to further conquer china.西班牙殖民者侵入菲律宾之后,将菲律宾作为侵略中国的基地,企图进一步征服中国。

9.While travepng to my Spanish friend'shouse in a taxi. I noticed the tall gates of what seemed pke an enormous park.在我乘着出租车去我西班牙朋友家的路上,我注意到那个似乎是大型公园的高高的铁门。

10.According to Spanish newspaper AS, they are now ready to renew their attempts in signing one of the world's top players.按照西班牙报纸《阿斯报》的报道,他们现在准备重新开始尝试签下这个世界上最好的球员之一。