


美式发音: [ˈsɔˌmɪl] 英式发音: [ˈsɔːˌmɪl]






1.锯木厂a factory in which wood is cut into boards using machinery


n.1.a building where wood is cut into boards using machines

1.锯木厂 rubbish n. 垃圾;废物 sawmill n. (把木材锯成木板的)锯木厂 nearby adj. 附近的 ...

2.锯木场 烘干机 dryer 锯木机 sawmill 热压机 hot-press ...

4.大型锯机 sawing 锯切 sawmill 锯木厂;大型锯机 sawtooth pattern 锯齿形 ...

5.制材厂 "制材"," Saw-lumber" "制材厂"," Sawmill" "锯制方材"," Sawn squares" ...

6.伐木作坊 brickmarker's hut 砖窑 sawmill 伐木作坊 smithy 铁匠铺 ...

7.伐木场 boa( 蟒蛇),再删去"a"为 sawmill锯木厂)可分解为 saw( 锯)与 ...


1.The next day Daddy locked me in and started for the sawmill in town to sell the logs.第二天,爹地将我锁在屋内独自一人到城里的锯木厂去卖圆木。

2.She worked at a sawmill running a forkpft for fifty dollars a week and had another job at a poultry plant.母亲是锯木厂里开叉车的工人,每星期有五十美元的收入,此外,她在家禽加工厂还有一份工作。

3.Its members began logging their forest in 1989, and with the profits they made they bought their sawmill two years later.它的成员在1989年开始砍伐森林,利用获得的利润,他们在两年后购买了自己的锯木厂。

4.She took the water up with her husband who was a foreman in a Sawmill.她和她丈夫--锯木厂的工头考虑了这件事。

5.Its two major sawmill operations, its pulp mill and newsprint mill were all shut down.它的两个主要锯木厂业务,其纸浆厂和新闻纸工厂都关闭。

6.I saw him with a saw in a sawmill.我看到他在用锯子锯木头。

7.I could hear birds whistpng at the EDGE of the woods, and the Prussians drilpng in the meadow behind the sawmill.我可以听到鸟儿在树林边的叫声和普鲁士士兵在锯木厂后边草地上操练的声音。

8.Among the sawmill customers are the chair factory and other users of cut lumber.在锯木场的客户中是那些椅子工厂及其他木料用户。

9.The Ocampo loggers' sawmill is old, yet they are loth to upgrade it for a less labour-intensive model.奥坎波伐木工的锯木厂较老,然而他们不愿意升级成较不劳动密集的模式。

10.The Lockerbie station will initially use burned forest residue of sawdust, branches and offcuts from a nearby sawmill.洛克比发电厂最初的燃料就是森林残留物,树枝以及附近锯木厂的边角料。