




1.逸尘 miss 苏筱雅 2-21 Oniy 逸尘 Lily 百合荷 ...


1.A woman needs to be with a man who thinks of onIy her.女人该跟只想着她的男人在一起其他人都统统靠边站

2.You onIy hear what you want to hear. That's not true, all rIGht?你只听得见你想听的不是这样的好吗?

3.The onIy thing harder than choosing a spot for your wedding.有一件事比挑选结婚地点还难…

4.He onIy managed to say : ''AII of this is against the reguIations. '他只能忍住,说:“这是违反规定的。”

5.UntiI a few years ago, my fieId was the onIy thing I knew.几年前,我只知道我们的那个地方

6.OnIy my wife is allowed to touch me there.只有我妻子才能碰那地方

7.Rich ass bastards ! OnIy Iose dirty handkerchiefs and cigarette butts !有钱人是狗崽子只留下脏的手帕和烟头

8.Oniy, it wasn't with Sarah, It was with myself.不过,这一仗不是跟萨拉打而是跟自己打。

9.It's onIy my favorite event of the year.这是我一年之中最爱的盛会

10.Most women I meet onIy Iike me for my titIe.我遇见的大多数女人喜欢我是因为我的头衔