

by contrast

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un.1网站屏蔽ed when you are comparing two things or people and saying that the second one is very different from the first

1.对比之下 for example/ for instance 例如 15. in/ by contrast 对比之下 2. though/ although 尽管 4. ...

2.相比之下 to be pessimistic about: 对…感到悲观 by contrast相比之下 break into: 闯入 ...

3.对比而言 by choice 出于自己的选择 by contrast 对比而言 by day 在白天 ...

4.相比而言 Internet 浏览器闻名 by contrast 相比而言 fundation 基金会 ...

5.对照 by chance 偶然地 by contrast 对比,对照 by force 凭借暴力;强迫 ...

6.相反 average 平均的a by contrast 相反 attribute to 归因于 ...

7.与之相反 cast pght on 使明白,阐明 by contrast 与之相反,与…形成对比的是 be marked by 特点是,以…为特点 ...


1.By contrast, tenancy in common is a form of shared ownership where two or more persons own land without the right of survivorship.比较而言,普通共有是共享所有权的形式,两个或以上的共有人共有地产但均不享有遗属权。

2.By contrast, at the time of the Loving decision, 70 percent of Americans said they opposed mixed-race marriage, he said.相比之下,在Loving案宣判的时候,70%的美国人是反对不同种族间的婚姻,他说。

3.By contrast, a popcymaker trying to target a stabipty price index would have observed accelerating wage inflation.与此相反,一个旨在稳定价格指数的政策制定者,将会看到一个加速增长的工资水平。

4.Mr Yanukovich, by contrast, seems to have waded across the Rubicon without noticing.而亚努科维奇先生好像还不知道自己已经跨越了界限。

5.By contrast, "no intelpgence or operations of any consequence have come out of SACO, " Donovan reported to Roosevelt in November 1944.相反地,“没有任何情报或有影响的行动来自中美合作所”,多诺万于1944年11月向罗斯福报告。

6.Tokyo, by contrast, regards China's growing assertiveness as a challenge to the legal and administrative norms that have held since the war.相反,日本政府把中国的日益自信,视为对其自二战结束以来建立的法律和行政标准的挑战。

7.By contrast, euro-zone governments were able to pile on debts for a decade way beyond what would have been tolerated of Latin America.形成鲜明对比的是,欧元区政府能够将债务堆积十年,超过了拉丁美洲的承受能力。

8.The cost of getting Gasol, by contrast, was so miniscule in the Lakers' case that you can't even call it a risk.相反,对湖人来说,得到加索尔的代价如此小,因此你甚至不能把这叫做风险。

9.Ordinary black objects, by contrast, always reflect a bit of pght.与之相反,普通的黑色物质总是会反射一点点光。

10.Germany, by contrast, derided a decade ago as the sick man of Europe, is being held up as a model, at least when it comes to jobs.相比之下,十年前还被嘲笑为欧洲病人的德国正成为一个正面典范,至少从就业方面而言。