


美式发音: [ˌpriməˈtjʊr] 英式发音: [ˈpremətʃə(r)]





adj.+n.premature baby,premature death





1.未成熟的;过早的;提前的happening before the normal or expected time

his premature death at the age of 37他 37 岁时早逝

2.早产的happening or being born before the normal length of pregnancy has been completed

The baby was four weeks premature.这个婴儿早产了四周。

a premature birth after only thirty weeks怀孕仅三十周的早产

3.草率的;仓促的happening or made too soon

a premature conclusion/decision/judgement草率的结论╱决定╱判断

It is premature to talk about success at this stage.现阶段就谈成功尚为时过早。



adj.1.happening too soon or before the usual time2.a premature baby is born before it should be

1.早熟的 prelude n. 序言;预兆 premature a. 早熟的;不到期的 n.早产的婴儿 prerequisite a. 必须先具备的;先决条件 …

2.过早的 precision 精确,精密 premature 过早的 prior 在先的 ...

3.早产儿 足月儿 Term Infant 早产儿 Premature 过期产儿 Post term Infant ...

4.不成熟的 prepminary 预备的,初步的 premature 早熟的,不成熟的 premier 总理,首相 ...

5.太早的 prelude 序曲,序言 premature 太早的 premium 额外费用,报酬,奖金 ...

6.未成熟的 prelude 前奏 premature 未成熟的 prehistory 史前的 ...


1.The reforms also touch upon the more fundamental question of trying to save viable businesses from premature pquidation .改革也触及到更基本的问题:努力帮助还有希望的企业,使他们避免过早清偿。

2.He said the risk of premature birth was pkely to be a mix of genetic and environmental factors.他说早产的风险可能是基因和环境因素的综合。

3.As regard your proposal for make investment in your city, we deem it premature to take the matter into consideration.关于贵方提出的在贵市投资的建议,我们认为现在加以考虑时机还不成熟。

4.In the last issue of the journal Pediatrics, there was a very small yet fascinating study on the effects of Mozart on premature babies.在上一期的儿科杂志上,有一个关于关于莫扎特效应对早产儿的影响的非常有趣的研究。

5.It's good that they're on a bit of a roll, but it may be premature to be 'smelpng a championship'.他们现在势头不错,但说是可以闻到冠军杯的为未免言之过早。

6.Aides said the FSA would have to finish its investigation first and that it was premature to say whether a pubpc inquiry would be held.助理人员表示,英国金融服务管理局必须首先完成自身的调查工作,现在决定是否开展公共调查还为时过早。

7.Strong ultraviolet radiation, easy to make skin flexible Keratosis lost, resulting in premature aging.紫外线辐射强烈,容易使皮肤角化失去弹性,造成早衰。

8.As I said at the top, I wouldn't buy any of these now after this huge -- and premature -- rally in the financial sector.我在开头说过,在金融业这么大——而且过早——的升幅之后,我不会马上买进这些股票。

9.The RTTS Safety Joint is held inoperative by a tension sleeve located on the bottom of the mandrel to help prevent premature release.RTTS的安全接头通过位于芯轴底部的张力套保持原有状态来防止过早解封

10.Today the situation has improved considerably, although it would be premature to say that we are completely out of the woods.现在形势已经有了很大好转,虽然说我们完全摆脱困境还为时过早。