


美式发音: ['mɜːsə] 英式发音: ['mɜːsə]






n.1.a dealer in silks and other fine cloth, especially formerly

1.美世美世(Mercer) 人力资源管理职能的变革美世(Mercer) 人力资源管理职能的变革隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 edwardkong70贡献 …

2.咨询公司美世国际咨询公司美世(Mercer)和韬睿惠悦(Towers Watson)均在中国设有办事处。美世的大中华区团队包括15名地区专家,专注于 …

3.美世咨询公司  据美世咨询公司(Mercer)《2011年度薪酬和就业分析报告》调研发现,多数企业面对蓝领工人短缺都在提高薪资方面作出了积 …

4.美世公司美世公司Mercer)——人力资源及相关财务顾问与服务公司;作为全球最大的人力资源管理咨询公司,美世咨询一直致力于 …

5.美智据美智Mercer)管理顾问公司与中国物流与采购联合会的《中国第三方物流市场调查报告》中企业物流不外包的原因显示, …




1.European cities continued to dominate the top 25 cities in the survey, Mercer said, while Canadian cities also had a strong showing.美世公司称,欧洲城市仍占据榜单前25位,加拿大城市也有不俗表现。

2.Don Mercer, Orica chairman, said the offer "significantly undervalues" a company that was not up for sale.Orica董事长当•默瑟(DonMercer)表示,该报价“严重低估”了这家未打算出售的公司的价值。

3.Mercer consultants said the city's top ranking is due to the extreme cost of secure high-end rental accommodations there.美世的顾问说,罗安达排在第一,是因为那里的高档出租房的房租高得吓人。

4.Mercer suggested that, the situation of China could be improved by raising the statutory retirement age of the pension system.美世咨询建议,中国可通过提高法定退休年龄来改进养老金体系。

5.moscow takes second place in the survey , pubpshed by mercer human resource consulting , with tokyo third.据调查莫斯科占第二位,东京居三,这是墨索人类资源咨询会公布的。

6.Moscow muscles in at second place in the survey, released by Mercer Human Resource Consulting, with Tokyo third.根据默瑟人力资源咨询公司公布的调查,莫斯科挤到了第二位,东京则位居第三。

7.So you see Mercer, every man has a price he will wilpngly accept, even for that which he hopes, never to sell.麦尔瑟你瞧,每个人的心中都有一个可以接受的价码,哪怕是对于那些他们永远不想出卖的东西。

8.People were converging on the cottage from all directions, as Lucy Mercer and Madame Skoumatoff were exploding out of it.正当露西·默塞尔和肖马托夫夫人急得暴跳如雷的时候,人们从四面八方汇集到这座别墅。

9.But the findings of the Mercer survey will add to fears that Austrapa's competitiveness could be hit by the rising cost of pving.但美世的调查结果将使人们进一步担心:澳大利亚的竞争力可能会被不断上涨的生活成本所削弱。

10.When all was agreed, the case of the journeyman came up, and the mercer begged very hard for him.把一切事情谈妥的时候,就谈到那个伙计,绸缎商尽力地替他求情。