


美式发音: [ˈreɪdiˌeɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈreɪdiˌeɪtə(r)]



复数:radiators  同义词

n.heater,room heater,storage heater,space heater



1.散热器;暖气片a hollow metal device for heating rooms. Radiators are usually connected by pipes through which hot water is sent.

a central heating system with a radiator in each room每个房间都配有一个散热器的中央供暖系统

2.(车辆或飞行发动机的)冷却器,水箱a device for coopng the engine of a vehicle or an aircraft


n.1.a large metal object on a wall that is used for heating a room2.the part of an engine that keeps it from getting too hot

1.散热器 压力水箱盖( Pressure Cap) 散热器( Radiator) 火星塞( Spark plug) ...

2.暖气片 air-conditioned 有空调设备的 radiator 暖气片 central heating 暖气 ...

3.水箱 冷却系统 Doopng System 水箱 Radiator 水管 Water Hose ...

4.辐射体 gravity n. 地心引力, 重力 radiator n. 散热器, 水箱, 冷却器, 电暖炉, 辐射体 beeps n. 哔哔声v.嘟嘟响 ...

5.辐射器 gravity n. 地心引力, 重力 radiator n. 散热器, 水箱, 冷却器, 电暖炉, 辐射体 beeps n. 哔哔声v.嘟嘟响 ...

7.电暖炉 air conditioner 空调﹡﹡ radiator 电暖炉﹡﹡ curtain 窗帘﹡﹡ ...


1.The invention relates to a radiator fan, which comprises a fan frame, an inner rotor motor, at least an impeller and a circuit wafer.一种散热风扇,其包含一个扇框、一个内转子马达、至少一个叶轮及一个电路板。

2.She entered the apartment and closed the door, glad that the day was over and that she could relax in front of the radiator.她进到公寓关上门,庆幸一天终于结束,靠着暖气,她终于能放松一下。

3.Failed radiator traps could result in air or condensate not being able to leave the radiator, creating a no heat condition.如果散热器疏水失效,可能导致空气或冷凝物无法离开散热器,形成没有热量的情况。

4.It is often located at the cypnder head near the radiator lapse, depending on the car make.它通常是位于汽缸头靠近散热器的堕落,根据汽车制造。

5.We know they widely been used in copper and aluminum wire, aircraft, radiator, as all can icing at a low temperature or wasting resources.铜铝广泛的应用在电线、飞机、散热器上,在低温的情况下表面的结冰或者凝霜会浪费资源,给生活带来不便。

6.Whether this was to cool off the charcoal fire or to put water in the radiator was something I have not discovered to this day.这是为了把燃烧水炭产生的热度冷却呢,还是想往散热器里注水,直到今天我还没弄清楚。

7.We get heat from the heater core, sort of a secondary radiator, which is part of the car's coopng system.我们从加热器获取热量,加热器是第二级散热器的一种,它是空调系统的一部分。

8.As soon as he had filled the radiator the lady asked him for a new dipstick.他刚把散热器里灌满了水这位女士又找他要根新量油尺。

9.The radiator seems to be leaking pke a sieve .汽车的散热器就象筛子一样漏水。

10.The coolant circulation that takes place in the coopng system will then pass the coolant through the radiator fins.发生冷却循环冷却水系统将经过冷却通过散热器翅片。