



美式发音: [ˈkɑnəz] 英式发音: [ˈkɑ:nəz]






n.1.either of two systems of symbols representing syllables, used in writing Japanese.2.a syllabic symbol used in kana

1.喀纳斯 ——普者黑 Puzhehei ——喀纳斯 Kanas ——日喀则 Shigate ...

2.寺上彧 徐子绍(努力学习与赚钱罗...) ANTENNA 寺上彧 Kanas 眠华-噗浪 ing ...

3.喀纳斯旅程中新疆 #kanas# 喀纳斯#泰加林#新疆 #kanas# 喀纳斯#旅程中#新疆 LNY # 中秋节 # ...

4.喀纳斯泰加林新疆 ... cng425: 拍完晨雾,吃碗面,很舒服 #kanas# 喀纳斯#泰加林#新疆 #kanas# 喀纳斯#旅程中#新疆 ...

5.堪萨斯州堪萨斯州Kanas)是个农业州,为遏制欺诈,保护州内大量的不谙投资的农业居民,该州于1911年首开先河,出台了被称为“ …


1.Qinghai lake, is China's most beautiful one of the five great lakes, the other four lake is respectively, kanas lake, you know where it is?青海湖,是中国最美的五大湖之一,其他四个湖分别是,喀纳斯湖,你们知道在哪吗?

2.Now I'm going to tell you one of Kanas Lake's most sapent features.我现在马上要为您揭晓喀纳斯湖最明显的一个神秘特征。

3.Basically it is still Sunyata and Bodhicitta, no different from any other kanas of Buddha Dharma.基本上它仍是空性及菩提心,与佛法其他任何一乘都没有什麽不同。

4.Like a meandering emerald jade belt, Kanas River, entwines tortuously among the mountains, or stretches freely on the grassland.喀纳斯河,就好像是一条蜿蜒的翠绿色玉带,或曲折地缠绕在山岭间,或随意地舒展在草地上。

5.John Kanas, a veteran banker charged with reviving BankUnited, sees in it the foundation of a regional powerhouse.约翰.喀纳斯,一个资深银行家,担任银行联盟的复苏,将它看作是地区经济动力的基础。

6.Within the Kanas Nature Reserve, grow pure forest of stone pine as well as mixed forest of stone pine with spruce or stone pine with fir.喀纳斯自然保护区内,不但有五针松纯林,还有五针松与云杉或冷杉的混交林。

7.It's indeed a bit far, but as long as we walk upstream along the Kanas River, we'll not lose our way.路是有点远,不过我们只要逆着喀纳斯河走,一定走不丢。

8.Kanas, located in the northern Xinjiang, is where earpest to see the autumn.位于北疆的喀纳斯是新疆最早见秋色的地方。

9.September and October are the most beautiful seasons in Kanas. A tour there can be the lofe-long memory for the bride.九月、十月正是喀纳斯最美的季节,来此蜜月旅行,将烙在新娘记忆的最深处。

10.Since we have already reached the Kanas River, we must be not far from Kanas Lake.都到喀纳斯河河岸了,肯定离喀纳斯湖不远。