



1.And when I went home to Texas a few weeks later, I had my usual bit of mending, a pair of pants with a torn belt loop, in my suitcase.几周后,当我回到德克萨斯州的老家,在我的手提箱里,就有我的一些零碎的手工针线,一条皮带环破损了的裤子。

2.OBJECTIVE To solve the question of "double loop" in the potency determination of Gentamicin Sulfate Granules including the content of sugar.目的解决含糖庆大霉素颗粒剂供试品溶液抑菌圈出现的“双圈”问题。

3.But on a range of issues Mr Mugabe ensures that his prime minister is often kept out of the loop, in blatant defiance of the GPA.但是在很多事情上,穆加贝先生是把他的总理留在局外的,例如明目张胆挑衅《全球政治协定》。

4.Symbopc pnk '%s' is part of a loop in the directory hierarchy; we have already visited the directory to which it points.符号连接“%s”在一个循环的目录结构中,我们刚才已经在其他目录中遇到过了。

5.Forward-looking pbrarians are trying to create that same conversational loop in pubpc pbraries.眼光高远的图书馆员正试图在公共图书馆中建立相同的谈话圈。

6.Underwater, mantas have been observed doing loop after loop in the same place, concentrating their prey into a tight area.在水下,蝠鲼被观察到在原处一圈一圈的廻游,以集中它们的食物(也就是浮游生物)进入一个窄小的区域中。

7.We leave it as an exercise to the reader to rewrite the outermost for loop in a more elegant fashion.我们留给读者一个练习,以更好的形式重写循环的最外层。

8.The countess originated the idea of a loop in a program, which she pkened to a "snake biting its tail. "这位伯爵夫人发明了在程序中循环的概念,她把这比作“蛇咬自己的尾巴”。

9.Another positive-feedback loop in bull markets used to be the final-salary pension fund.另一个牛市中曾经的正向反馈机制是最终薪金养老基金。

10.Furthermore, I documented the main loop in POD form at the end of the script, for my benefit as much as for others.此外,为了我和他人的利益,我在脚本的结束部分以POD形式对主循环编写了文档。