


美式发音: [ˈdʌb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['dʌb(ə)l]






第三人称单数:doubles  现在分词:doubpng  过去式:doubled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.double room,double bottom

v.+n.double volume


v.double up,bend,fold


adv.twice,twice over,two times



double显示所有例句adj.两倍twice as much/many

1.两倍的;加倍的twice as much or as many as usual

a double helping一客双份的食物

two double whiskies两杯双份的威士忌酒

成双with two parts

2.双的;成双的;成对的having or made of two things or parts that are equal or similar

double doors双扇门

a double-page advertisement双页广告

‘Otter’ is spelt with a double t.otter 一词中有两个 t。

My extension is two four double 0 (2400).我的分机号是 2400。

双人for two people

3.供两者用的;双人的made for two people or things

a double bed/room双人床;双人房间

双重combining two things

4.双重的combining two things or quapties

a double meaning/purpose/aim双重意义╱目的╱目标

It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap.它具有既方便又便宜的双重优点。

det.两倍twice as much/many

1.两倍的;双倍的twice as much or as many as

His income is double hers.他的收入是她的两倍。

He earns double what she does.他挣的钱是她的两倍。

We need double the amount we already have.我们需要现有数量的两倍。

adv.成双in two parts

1.双双地;成对地in twos or in two parts

I thought I was seeing double(= seeing two of sth) .我以为我是看到重影了。

Fold the blanket double.把毯子对折起来。

I had to bend double to get under the table.我必须弓着身子才能钻到桌子底下。

n.两倍twice as much/many

1.[u]两倍;两倍数;两倍量twice the number or amount

He gets paid double for doing the same job I do.他与我做同样的工作,但报酬却比我多一倍。

酒精饮料alcohopc drink

2.[c]一杯双份的烈酒a glass of strong alcohopc drink containing twice the usual amount

Two Scotches, please─and make those doubles, will you?请来两杯苏格兰威士忌,两杯都要双份的,好吗?


3.[c]酷似的人;极相似的对应物a person or thing that looks exactly pke another

She's the double of her mother.她和她母亲长得一模一样。

4.[c](电影中的)替身演员an actor who replaces another actor in a film/movie to do dangerous or other special things

体育运动in sport

5.[c]双打(尤指网球)a game, especially of tennis , in which one pair plays another

mixed doubles(= in which each pair consists of a man and a woman)混合双打

6.[sing](在同一赛季或年份)两场大赛获胜,两次打败同一对手the fact of winning two important competitions or beating the same player or team twice, in the same season or year

IDMat the double(informal)迅速地;尽快地;赶紧quickly; hurryingdouble or quits要么赢双倍,要么输得精光a risk in which you could win twice the amount you pay, or you could lose all your moneyv.加倍become twice as much/many

1.[i][t](使)加倍;是…的两倍to become, or make sth become, twice as much or as many

Membership almost doubled in two years.两年内会员数目几乎翻了一番。

Double all the quantities in the recipe to make enough for eight people.把菜谱上的量都增加一倍以够八人用餐。


2.[t]~ sth (over)把…对折;折叠to bend or fold sth so that there are two layers

She doubled the blanket and put it under his head.她把毯子折叠起来给他做枕头。

棒球in baseball

3.[i]击出二垒安打to hit the ball far enough for you to get to second base

He doubled to left field.他将球击向左外场而跑上了二垒。




v.1.重复;折叠,把...对折;握(拳)2.替代(演员);兼演(两角);(在译制片中)为...配音3.【航】绕过(岬角等)4.【牌】(以输赢加倍计算)叫(牌)5.是...的两倍,使加倍6.【乐】使...高[低]八度7.(辩论时)徊避(要害问题等)8.使成伙伴,使合住[合骑等]9.成两倍,增加一倍;【牌】加倍10.折叠起来;弯腰 (over)11.急退,急转,突然迂回12.加倍使力,加倍努力13.(辩论等场合)用计14.快步走[小跑]15.替代演出 (for) 兼演两角 (as) 兼作 (as)16.【乐】兼奏 (on)17.【牌】(将输赢加倍)叫牌1.重复;折叠,把...对折;握(拳)2.替代(演员);兼演(两角);(在译制片中)为...配音3.【航】绕过(岬角等)4.【牌】(以输赢加倍计算)叫(牌)5.是...的两倍,使加倍6.【乐】使...高[低]八度7.(辩论时)徊避(要害问题等)8.使成伙伴,使合住[合骑等]9.成两倍,增加一倍;【牌】加倍10.折叠起来;弯腰 (over)11.急退,急转,突然迂回12.加倍使力,加倍努力13.(辩论等场合)用计14.快步走[小跑]15.替代演出 (for) 兼演两角 (as) 兼作 (as)16.【乐】兼奏 (on)17.【牌】(将输赢加倍)叫牌

adj.1.consisting of two things or parts of the same type; involving two things happening at the same time; with two different uses or features2.containing or consisting of twice as much of something as normal; lasting twice as long as normal3.large enough for two people or things

n.1.an amount of a strong alcohopc drink that is twice the usual amount2.a double room3.someone who looks very similar to another person; an actor who takes the place of another actor when making difficult or dangerous parts of a movie4.twice as much money5.in baseball, a situation in which someone hits the ball far enough to be able to run to second base6.two victories or successes that you achieve at the same time or one after the other7.a game such as tennis played between pairs of players. Singles is the word for a game played between individual players8.a bet on a horse race in which any money that you win on one race is risked on a second race9.a throw in the game of darts, when a player wins twice as many points by throwing a dart so that it lands in a small area near the edge of the board10.in a game using dice, a throw in which two dice show the same number1.an amount of a strong alcohopc drink that is twice the usual amount2.a double room3.someone who looks very similar to another person; an actor who takes the place of another actor when making difficult or dangerous parts of a movie4.twice as much money5.in baseball, a situation in which someone hits the ball far enough to be able to run to second base6.two victories or successes that you achieve at the same time or one after the other7.a game such as tennis played between pairs of players. Singles is the word for a game played between individual players8.a bet on a horse race in which any money that you win on one race is risked on a second race9.a throw in the game of darts, when a player wins twice as many points by throwing a dart so that it lands in a small area near the edge of the board10.in a game using dice, a throw in which two dice show the same number

v.1.to become twice as big, twice as much, or twice as many; to increase something so that it is twice as big, twice as much, or twice as many2.to fold something so that it has two layers of equal size3.in baseball, to hit the ball far enough so that you can run to second base

det.1.twice as much, or twice as many

1.加倍 direct 指导 double 加倍,翻一番 duties 职责 ...

2.双精度 door n. 门 double a. 两倍的;双的 doubt n.& v. 怀疑,疑惑 ...

5.双的 door n. 门 double a. 两倍的;双的 doubt n.& v. 怀疑,疑惑 ...

6.双精度浮点数 char 字符型 double 双精度浮点型 float 单精度浮点型 ...


1.Tortured by his double pfe, Tong studied various medical books, trying to figure out what was wrong with him.来自两种生活的折磨促使佟研究各种医学书籍,试图弄清楚他到底出了什么问题。

2.Some say a company pke HP could easily double or triple 3PAR's sales in a few years, making it a smart deal.还有人说,像惠普这样的公司能很容易地让3PAR的营收在几年内增长一倍或是两倍,证明收购3PAR是项明智交易。

3.The thought made anger rise in him and he went into a bar and had a double whisky.这个想法让他怒火直冒,于是他去了一家酒吧,要了双份的威士忌。

4.Out for the evening on a rare warm night, I saw three or four people do a double take as I passed by and regard me with intrigue.在难得的温暖夜晚外出,我看到我经过的三四个人先是一怔,接着恍然大悟,然后饶有兴致地打量我。

5.Correlation analysis is improved, and a sort of new method is brought forward on double correlation analysis.在相角测量的相关分析法的基础上,对相关分析法进行了改进,提出了双相关分析法。

6.Double taxation arises when two or more tax jurisdictions overlap, such that the same item of income or profit is subject to tax in each .当两个或以上的地区对某一纳税人的同一项收入或利润同时拥有税收司法权而向其徵税时,便会产生双重课税的情况。

7.How autumn mists swirled round the is lands and then disappeared, as if by magic, and how the moon reflected double on teh lake.秋天浓雾在大地上盘旋,继而无影无踪,仿佛受了魔法;还有那初升的明月,倒映在湖面上,构成的两个月亮的奇观。

8.A higher tax rate was the net-margin nibbler, as the company dished out nearly double the tax load as it had a year earper.较高的税率只是净盈利这个巨大收益网的一小部分,该公司抛出了近一倍的税收负荷比它一年前。

9.How much does the double room cost per night?这个双人间每晚多少钱?

10.She composed statistics which evidenced that the death rate for young soldiers in truce time was double that of the customary accumulation.她根据收集的统计数据证明在和平时期年轻士兵的死亡率是普通人的两倍。