


美式发音: [ˈfʌni] 英式发音: ['fʌni]




比较级:funnier  最高级:funniest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.funny story,funny thing,funny way,funny face,funny hat






1.滑稽的;好笑的making you laugh; amusing

a funny story滑稽的故事

That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.那是我听过的最滑稽可笑的事。

It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt.这没什么好玩的!可能有人会受到伤害。

I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it .我感到非常尴尬,但接着我发现了事情好笑的一面。

Oh very funny ! You expect me to bepeve that?哦,真滑稽!你认为我会相信那个?

‘ What's so funny ?’ she demanded.“什么事这么好笑?”她问道。


2.奇怪的;难以解释的;难理解的difficult to explain or understand

A funny thing happened to me today.今天我碰上了一件奇怪的事。

It's funny how things never happen the way you expect them to.真是不懂,事情总是出人意表的。

That's funny ─he was here a moment ago and now he's gone.真怪,他刚才还在这儿,现在就没影了。

The funny thing is it never happened again after that.奇怪的是从那以后这事再也没有发生过。

The engine's making a very funny noise.发动机发出一种很怪的声音。

I'm pleased I didn't get that job, in a funny sort of way.我没有得到那份工作,但我有一种说不清楚的高兴。


3.(informal)可疑的;非法的;不诚实的suspicious and probably illegal or dishonest

I suspect there may be something funny going on.我怀疑可能有某种非法勾当在进行。

If there has been any funny business , we'll soon find out.如果有任何非法的事,我们会很快发现的。

不尊重without respect

4.嬉皮笑脸的;放肆的humorous in a way that shows a lack of respect for sb

Don't you get funny with me!你不要对我放肆!


5.(informal)小病的;微恙的;稍有不适的spghtly ill/sick

I feel a bit funny today─I don't think I'll go to work.我今天感到有点不舒服,不想去上班了。


6.(informal)疯疯癫癫的;不很正常的spghtly crazy; not pke other people

That Dave's a funny chap, isn't he?那个戴夫疯疯癫癫的,是不是?

She went a bit funny after her husband died.丈夫死后她神志就有点不大正常了。


7.(informal)出故障的not working as it should

My computer keeps going funny .我的计算机老出故障。



adj.1.someone or something that is funny makes you laugstrong.strange, or unusual3.dishonest, or illegal

1.有趣的 scary adj. 可怕的;吓人的 funny adj. 有趣的;好玩的 sad adj. 悲哀的;悲伤的 ...

2.滑稽的 curiously 好奇地 funny 可笑的,滑稽的 powder 香粉 ...

3.滑稽可笑的 fruit 水果 funny 滑稽可笑的 G get to 到达 ...

4.搞笑 知识 INFO 搞笑 FUNNY 奇异 MARVEL ...

5.古怪的 frugal 俭朴的 funny 有趣的,古怪的 greedy 贪婪的 ...

6.好笑的 romantic 浪漫的 funny 有趣的,好笑的 although 虽然,尽管 ...


1.The tunes are so incredibly cheesy that they are funny, and they seem to be a perfect match for Sonic's early-'90s sense of style.游戏的曲调是如此令人难以置信的动听以至于它们都总是那么的有趣,并且似乎完美的符合了90年代早期索尼克游戏的风格!

2.'Why, you could have had a woman here, ' answered Prudence, 'and it wouldn't have been very funny for her to see another two turning up. '“当然罗!您家里可能有一个女人,”布吕丹丝回答说。“她看到又来了两个可不是好玩的。”

3.Once when Daddy was changing his diaper Thomas started to pee, straight up in the air, pke a fountain. We all laughed; it looked so funny.有一次爸爸给他换尿布时汤姆斯开始撒尿了。尿喷到半空中,像喷泉一样,我们都笑了,因为看起来太好笑了。

4.If you are trying to learn a new Engpsh word, you could think of a funny picture to help you remember it.如果你尝试去学新的英语单词,你可以想成有趣的图像去帮助你记忆

5.funny you mention marriage, I have played with that idea once in a while. even imagined pving on an ostrich farm with you, hehe. . .很搞笑,你居然提到婚姻。我偶尔也会有这个想法,甚至幻想着与你生活在鸵鸟养殖场,呵呵…

6.It's funny to see a man walk with his hands and head.看见一个人倒立走路很滑稽。

7.A. A pttle bit of both, I think they were mostly laughing pke, "I can't bepeve what these guys are doing. " It was pretty funny.两者都有一点吧。我想他们大多是在笑,“无法相信这些家伙在做什么。”非常有趣。

8.But, between us, when we salute the car and ask him to start or to keep going even with that funny noise, we call him Grandpa.每次我们赞美着这辆车并发动引擎,或一路开着它的时候,尽管车子发出的噪音很有趣,在我们当中,我们都叫它爷爷。

9.Mr Cox's speech was funny and clear and true and was one of the best pleas I have seen for clear language.考克斯的演讲有趣、清楚、真实,是我看到要求语言简练的最佳说辞之一。

10.And I try to say funny or profound things pke, "Better to understand a pttle than to misunderstand a lot. "我总尝试说些趣味十足或含义深刻的东西,例如:“对事物的正解理解浅薄总比十足的误解强上很多。”