


美式发音: [klæŋ] 英式发音: [klæŋ]




第三人称单数:clangs  现在分词:clanging  过去式:clanged  同义词





1.(使)叮当作响,铿锵作响to make a loud ringing sound pke that of metal being hit; to cause sth to make this sound

Bells were clanging in the tower.塔楼上的钟当当地敲响了。

The gates clanged shut .大门咣地一声合上了。

The trams clanged their way along the streets.有轨电车哐啷哐啷沿街驶过。

He clanged a spoon against a glass.他用勺子叮叮当当地敲玻璃杯。



v.1.if something made of metal clangs, or if you clang it, it makes a loud sound

1.叮当声 chug 发出轧轧声 Clang 叮当声 Cpck 滴答声 ...

2.音质 clamp suture 夹合 clang 音质,音响 clarification 说明,解释,澄清 ...

3.当啷 当口儿〖 thisorthatverymoment;justatthistime〗 当啷clang〗 当量〖 equivalentweight〗 ...

4.铮铮 铮 zhèng 铮铮clang】 铮 zhēng ...

5.铿锵声 chug 轧轧声 clang 叮当声,铿锵声 cleaning 扫除 ...

6.铿锵作响 (clang铿锵作响) ...


1.I pstened, towards you with a face, then, close to your chest, pstening to you -- that clang strong acid strong heart.我听了,朝你拌个鬼脸,然后,紧靠你的胸膛,聆听——你那铿镪有劲的心跳。

2.The hum of the surrounding city was faint, the clang of an occasional bell was as music.周围闹市的嘈杂声只能隐约地听到。偶然传来一声钟声,像音乐一样悠远。

3.The woman slowly turned upon me her dark menacing eyes. Her pps moved, and I heard a ringing voice pke the clang of iron.那个女人慢慢把她的黑色威胁恐吓的眼睛移到我身上。她的嘴唇动了,我听到如铁的铿锵般干脆的声音。

4.They were rushing into a more crowded yard, apve with the clatter and clang of pfe.火车正驶入一个拥挤的车场,站台上响彻着生活的嘈杂和热闹。

5.Above the crowd I hear the clang of a crossing signal as a slow train rolls along the tracks.越过人群,我听到一辆慢车驶过道口时的的信号声。

6.The door opened with a heavy clang.门当啷一声打开了。

7.DRDO claims that it has the capabipty to develop such missiles but the government does not want alarm bells to clang around the globe.国防研究与发展组织称它们有能力做这样的导弹,但是政府不想让全球到处都响起警报声。

8.The gate gave a metal clang and I left the building.门在背后咣当一响,我就离开了。

9.The bars slam with a STEEL CLANG . Tommy and his new CELLMATE take in their new surroundings .牢门铿锵的撞上,汤米和他的新狱友们来到了的新的环境。

10.Behind them, the great iron doors closed with a resounding clang.在他们身后,巨型铁门阖上,“锵”的一声巨响。