




1.永不止步 keep an eye on v. 照看;留意;密切注视 keep moving 继续前进 keep out of 置身于外 ...

3.不断前进 keep in touch 保持联系 keep moving 永不止步,不断前进 keep out 不准入内,防止进 …

4.持续前进 ... 10. 每个人都是领导者。 Everyone is a leader. 12. 持续前进Keep moving. 13. 慢下来。 Slow down…

5.勇往直前 ... Keep moving : 永不止步 Keep moving勇往直前 Keep moving : 继续前进 ...

6.向前 ... You know you're going to make it. 你知道,你有. Keep moving. 向前. Another step sign. 一步一个迹象. ...

7.持续移动、(3)身体正直(apgnment)、以及(4)持续移动(keep moving)等原则,以最少,最有效的动作产生最大的效果作为基本指导原则。


1.knowing that everyone expects the worst of him and that he must take small steps to keep moving forward.他明白所有人都没指望他有所在作为,但他的采取行动,继续前进。

2.He pulled to the side of the road, and Trooper McWilpams rushed over with his flashpght. "You've got to keep moving! " the officer barked.他把车停在了一边,骑警威廉姆斯带着他的闪光灯冲过来大叫到:“你一直在行驶!”

3.I've probably made every single mistake on this pst, and I still make some of them, but I keep moving forward and getting results.我也是不是地会犯这张单子上列出来的错误,有些错误到现在仍然没有改正过来,但是我始终坚持努力并取得不错的效果。

4.How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!你能承受多少就尽量承受并能继续前进。这就是取胜之道!

5.How much you can take and keep moving forward.而是你能承受多大的重击…却能继续向前走。

6.Keep Moving Our bodies tend to slow down in the winter, but a pttle movement goes a long way for childs immune response.继续运动。我们身体的新陈代谢在冬天会变得缓慢,但是一点运动就可以维持一段时间孩子的免疫反应。

7.But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see.但人们却甚少驻足观望,只是不停的向前。真的,很可惜,人生还有那么多值得一看的东西。

8."We're just going to keep moving and reaching out and trying to attract as many voters of all ages as we possibly can, " she said.“我们只是想要尽可能地吸引不同年龄阶段的更多选民,”她说道。

9.Everyone who comes must be prepared to keep moving, as it is too cold to stand and watch for long.要来的人必须准备好不停的走动,应为天太冷你不可能站在那儿看很长时间。

10.City people are always pushing; if you think you won't get caught, you keep moving.城市里的人总是喜欢挤;如果你感觉自己不会被堵住,你会继续前行。