




1.服从我 obey the rule 服从规矩 obey me 服从我 a wrong answer 错误的答案 ...

2.听我号令 ... Obey me. 听我号令。 Bow to my will. 服从我的意志。 ...


1."I wish to be a director of a farm, so the others on the farm must obey me! " Sara said, with her head held high.萨拉高高地昂起头说:“长大后我一定要成为农场的女管事,我要让农场里的人都听我的!”

2.'Get out of my sight, until we've finished eating! I'll pull that long hair of yours if you don't obey me at once! '我们吃完饭之前别让我看见你!你要是不马上照办我就扯掉你的长头发!

3."Will the sea obey me? " he asked; and he looked down atthe pttle waves which were lapping the sand at his feet.“大海听我的吗?”他问,他俯视着拍打他脚下沙子的小浪花。

4.At last she said angrily, if you do not obey me, it shall cost you your pfe.最后她气愤地说,如果你不听我的话,应当你失去生命。

5.I told him not to smoke , but he didn't obey me though he said "yes" every time.我叫他不要抽烟,虽然他每次都说“好”但每次他都不听我的。

6.You may harbor the heart of a coward, but if you obey me, I will spare you and even grant you aid.你可以继续掩藏你那懦弱的心灵,但只要你服从于我,我将会宽恕你甚至赐予你帮助。

7.Yes, I come to see you and help you, but you only obey me.是的,我来看你,也来救你,但你要听从我的安排。

8.As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me; The foreigners shall submit themselves unto me.他们一听见我的名声就必顺从我;外邦人要投降我。

9.as soon as they hear of me, they obey me.他们一听到我的名,就附耳听从。

10.I know that I can count on you to do my bidding. Obey me and I will shower you with the spoils of war.我知道我能靠你来实现我的愿望,服从于我,我就将把战神的宠幸加诸你身。