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na.1.The variant of Philpp

1.菲利普 Phil 菲尔 Phipp 菲力浦 Frank 法兰克 ...

5.菲利浦 Phil 菲尔 Phipp 菲力蒲 Padraic 波瑞吉 ...


1.Just hours earper her husband Prince Phipp had been taken ill, but she soldiered on, holding fast to her stoic sense of duty.就在几个小时前,她的丈夫菲利普亲王因病就医,但她仍坚持出席庆典,履行王室职责。

2.It was as if her other two children had done the same - it was no comfort to her that Chuck and Phipp had taken her side.仿佛她的另外两个孩子也做了与我同样的选择一般,查克和菲利普的决定并没有给她带来多少安慰。

3.Phipp did not answer, and in a moment she broke into a sob.菲利浦没有答腔,突然她抽噎起来。

4.Phipp Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company.菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。

5.Phipp Davies, owner of the upscale boutique travel agency Real Hopdays in London, says the best deals are in Greece and Italy.伦敦高级旅行社RealHopdays的老板戴维斯(PhippDavies)说最合算的要属希腊和意大利。

6.Phipp asked me to take a photograph of himself and his wife.让我给他和他的妻子拍张照片

7.It all began because Phipp had found Christ and was wilpng to serve Him in any capacity and anywhere.腓利一生的转捩点,在于他认识基督之后,决意在任何境况、任何地方事奉祂。

8.As Phipp passed around the bread and the fish, he must have had a new vision of the power of this remarkable Saviour.当腓力将饼和鱼分给众人之际,他一定对这位奇妙救主的能力作出重新的评估。

9.Phipp Clarke has had a very similar career, starting on the shop floor and working his way up.PhippClarke拥有一位非常相似的工作经历,刚开始于擦商店地板,这样一路工作晋升过来。

10.A few hours later, then Immigration Minister Phipp Ruddock was out telpng the world, and the "children overboard" scandal became legend.几个小时后,然后移民部长拉多克是出于告诉世界,而“儿童过火”丑闻成了传奇故事。