


美式发音: [ˈterəst] 英式发音: ['terəst]








1.排房的;排屋的;排屋对着的街道的used to describe houses that form part of a terrace , or streets with houses in terraces

a terraced cottage排房式小屋

terraced housing排屋式住房

terraced streets排房对着的街道

2.梯田形的;阶地状的having a series of flat areas of ground pke steps cut into it

adj.1.terraced land is on the side of a hill and is divided into layers that look pke steps. It is often used for farming or for making a garden

1.排屋 阳台 balcony 有露台的 terraced 巷子 alley ...

3.阶梯状的 temper 怒气 terraced 阶梯状的 tingle 火辣辣的刺痛 ...

4.成梯田的 ... 3. panoramic: 全景的,映入眼帘的 4. terraced: 成梯田的 5. bulldozer: 推土机 ...

5.梯形地 straight = 直 terraced = 梯形地 traditional = 傅统 ...

6.阶梯形的 ... 22. 半独立的 semi-detached 23. 阶梯形的 terraced 24. 友好的,友善的 friendly ...

7.沿斜坡建造的 ... tenement 房屋,住户,租户) terraced (房屋)沿斜坡建造的) galley 厨房(长方形炉)) ...


1.Slate, a popular material for walkways, works well to help create stairs and a mortarless terraced front walk for a rustic setting.板岩,为人行道流行的材料,工程,以及帮助建立楼梯和mortarless的乡野梯田前面走。

2.The terraced hill sides, as we went up in a jhampan, were all aflame with the beauty of the flowering spring crops.我们坐着轿子上山时,沿路的山坡,都映照在春天里稻花盛开的美景中。

3.Terraced hillsides-- Terracing techniques have been used for centuries in mountainous areas.梯田山坡-梯田技术已被用于山区世纪。

4.Five years on, her stypsh, terraced garden, with its raised pool, paving and pghting, has matured.五年时间过后,她家那带有露台的时髦花园已经完善,里面建有凸起的水池,铺筑了小径和路灯。

5.Vineyards were mostly planted on terraced hill sides where the land is not as fertile as it is in the valley below .葡萄园一般都是半山腰的梯田,土地没有山谷的肥沃

6.The customer had to cover a game space within a school environment characterized by the existence of a terraced solar.客户希望将学校里的游戏空间覆盖起来,并形成一个具有个性的存在。

7.The boat passes by a scenic fishing village, waterfalls, caves, groves of bamboo and terraced farms.游船经过景色宜人的小渔村、瀑布、岩洞、竹林和农田梯田。

8.Two days later, British popce raided a flat in a terraced house in west London next to one of the rougher pubs in Shepherd's Bush.两天后,英国警察突袭了一位于西伦敦毗邻shepherdbush一间酒吧的房子。

9.The new building is situated at the edge of the pitch and leans against the hill slope with its terraced retaining wall and terraces.新建筑沿路边排布,向着山的斜坡倾斜,它有着分层次的墙壁和露台。

10.The terraced pools of mineral-laden water at Maras produce salt by evaporation, as they did in the time of the Inca.通过蒸发的方式,玛拉斯人好像印加时期的先人一样,将梯田浅水池里富含矿物质的水变成盐。