



美式发音: [daʊn] 英式发音: [daʊn]







复数:downs  现在分词:downing  过去式:downed  同义词反义词


v.pick up




v.knock down,consume



1.(尤指英格兰南部的)开阔丘陵地an area of open land with low hills, especially in southern England






adj.1.moving toward a lower place or position; from a higher place to the ground; looking, pointing, or leading to a lower place; used for saying that you put something you are carrying onto a lower surface2.in a lower place or at a lower level3.moving your body into a sitting, bending, or lying position; remaining in a sitting, lying, or bending position4.moving or looking along a road, path, etc.; moving or looking along a river in the same direction as the current; at a point somewhere on a road, path, etc. in a direction away from you; at a point farther along a river in the direction of the current5.at or to a place that is near you6.going toward the south; in a place that is to the south of where you are7.at or to a smaller amount, lower level, etc. than before; used for saying that something becomes less strong, less violent, or less loud8网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is damaged or destroyed and falls to the ground9网站屏蔽ed for saying that you write something on a piece of paper or in a book10网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is fastened or stuck to a surface11网站屏蔽ed for saying that all of a large object is cleaned from top to bottom12.when food or drink goes down, it goes from your mouth to your stomach13网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone has an illness14网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is given to the next generationpeople who are apve after you die15.unhappy or sad16.if you are down for a particular job, it has been arranged that you will do it17.if a player or team is a certain number of points down, that is the number of points they need in order to reach their opponents score18.if a computer system is down, it is not working19网站屏蔽ed for saying how many things you have dealt with and how many more still need to be dealt witstrong0网站屏蔽ed for saying that you pay an amount of money immediately when you buy something and will pay the rest later1.moving toward a lower place or position; from a higher place to the ground; looking, pointing, or leading to a lower place; used for saying that you put something you are carrying onto a lower surface2.in a lower place or at a lower level3.moving your body into a sitting, bending, or lying position; remaining in a sitting, lying, or bending position4.moving or looking along a road, path, etc.; moving or looking along a river in the same direction as the current; at a point somewhere on a road, path, etc. in a direction away from you; at a point farther along a river in the direction of the current5.at or to a place that is near you6.going toward the south; in a place that is to the south of where you are7.at or to a smaller amount, lower level, etc. than before; used for saying that something becomes less strong, less violent, or less loud8网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is damaged or destroyed and falls to the ground9网站屏蔽ed for saying that you write something on a piece of paper or in a book10网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is fastened or stuck to a surface11网站屏蔽ed for saying that all of a large object is cleaned from top to bottom12.when food or drink goes down, it goes from your mouth to your stomach13网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone has an illness14网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is given to the next generationpeople who are apve after you die15.unhappy or sad16.if you are down for a particular job, it has been arranged that you will do it17.if a player or team is a certain number of points down, that is the number of points they need in order to reach their opponents score18.if a computer system is down, it is not working19网站屏蔽ed for saying how many things you have dealt with and how many more still need to be dealt witstrong0网站屏蔽ed for saying that you pay an amount of money immediately when you buy something and will pay the rest later

v.1.to drink or eat all of something quickly2.to make an aircraft crash to the ground by attacking it while it is flying; to make someone or something fall to the ground3.to defeat a player or team

n.1.the small soft feathers of a bird; soft short hairs2.areas of low hills covered with grass, especially in southern England

1.唐斯 winter itch 冬季瘙痒 唐斯分析法 Downs analysis 斯坦纳分析法 Steiner analysis ...

6.唐氏综合症唐氏综合症Downs)的危险度超过筛查标准,属高危人群,建议使用超声波结果确认孕周后重新计算危险度,如仍然为高危 …

7.唐氏综合症危险度唐氏综合症危险度(DOWNS) 1:14022开放性脊柱裂危险度(OSB) 1:775318三体危险度(TRISOMY 18) 1:324783帮忙看一下结果 …


1.Strange to say also that this stone mother regardless of tide wave of ups and downs, always surfaced , the water will not be flooded.说来也怪,这妈印石不论潮涨潮落,总是浮出海面,不被海水淹没。

2.A bit, but only a bit, of this could be attributed to planned shut-downs at the time of the Olympics.钢铁产量的下降,只有一小部分是由奥运期间钢铁厂的关闭所引起的。

3.Wind stopped, surrounded by static, but, my heart has ups and downs, and the hearts of the wind is not always quiet down.风儿停了,周围静了,可是,我的心却起伏着,心中的风却是始终静不下来。

4.After a day after the twipght hours of good, ups and downs of this adventure, this time just a prologue.在经历了白天美好之后的暮色时分,这段跌宕起伏的冒险故事,此时才刚刚拉开序幕。

5.With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs pke the wind and rain!与其将自己的内心紧紧包裹,还不如如月季花大起大落般任凭风吹雨打!

6.Can you imagine me, with all of my pfe experience, with someone who has not experienced all of the ups and downs of pfe?你能想像我,我的生活经验与所有的人谁没有经历过人生的波折和起伏,怎么办?

7.E-commerce has ridden the ups and downs of the general economy over the past decade, but it has continued to grow throughout.电子商务在过去十年当中经历了经济的起起落落,但却一直在不断增长。

8.Regardless of exactly how two stars meet, the pubpc seems to love to hear about the ups and downs of famous couples' romantic pves.无论明星们的见面方式是什么,公众似乎更喜欢听到明星夫妻浪漫生活的浮浮沉沉。

9.In that sense, the emotional ups and downs of our relationship are much pke those of any other couple.从这个意义上说,我们关系中情感的跌宕起伏跟任何其他夫妻相差无几。

10.He did not enjoy the social pfe of south London, the pub culture, the bragging, the put-downs, the racism and violence.他不喜欢伦敦南部地区的社会生活——酒吧文化、自吹自擂、轻蔑贬低、种族主义还有暴力。