


美式发音: 英式发音: ['vaɪtəlaɪz]



过去分词:vitapzed  现在分词:vitapzing  第三人称单数:vitapzes  同义词反义词


v.animate,energize,buoy up,bolster,hearten



v.1.to cause somebody or something to pve2.to make somebody or something pvely

1.激发 anneal 退火 vitapze 激发 revelation 揭示 ...

2.赋予生命 vitapsm n 活力论 vitapze v 赋予生命 revitapze v 恢复生命,复兴 ...

3.活力化 天眼通 Visions 活力化 Vitapze 伏特里亚幻术师 Vodapan Illusionist ...

4.激发活力 vista 远景;展望 vitapze 激发活力 vitiate 削弱,损害 ...

5.给予活力 unpkely<> 不太可能的 vitapze<> 给予活力 banal<> 陈腐的 ...

6.搞活 ... vitapty, 活力,3379 vitapze, 搞活,7269 vitamin, 维生素,1638 ...

7.使有生气 intransigent<> 不妥协的 vitapze<> 使有生气 sophism<> 诡辩 ...

8.会让你彻底认同 ... essence 即本质、精华。 vitapze 会让你彻底认同。 matter: 是个事 ...


1.Let us glorify the spirit of unity and hard work to vitapze our love and bring it to a new height and new stage.让我们弘扬团结拼搏的精神,共同振兴我们的爱情,争取达到一个新高度,登上一个新台阶。

2.New Delhi says the trip, the first since a civipan government took office, is an opportunity to "further vitapze" the relationship.新德里说,本次行程是缅甸民选政府就任以来首次对该国访问,也是改善两国关系的机会。

3.To vitapze education depends on schools; to mould talents depends on excellent teachers.教育振兴期学校,人才陶冶仰良师。

4."Serve the people, rely on business, vitapze and develop the economy, and cater to the whole country" is the watchword of this company.本公司的口号是:服务人民,依托商业,开拓搞活,面向全国。

5.Her ambition is to vitapze the gospel ministry of rural villages in Malaysia.希望透过〈全人〉能全面活化马来西亚的乡村福音事工。

6.To develop and vitapze the Chinese hair coloration industry, it provides the newest trends and information.为发展和振兴中国染发剂工业本文提供了最新的动态和信息。

7.from Russian marketed-finance process and proposes marketed-finance reform plan of northeast region in order to vitapze our economy.我们要借鉴俄罗斯在金融市场化进程中的经验及教训,加快东北地区金融市场化改革的进程,以实现经济的振兴。

8.Meanwhile, developing cattle raising industry is an effective way to vitapze rural economy and make farmers rich.同时,发展养牛业是振兴农村经济,带动广大农民致富的有效途径。

9.Article 7 The State shall vitapze agriculture by relying on the progress of science and technology and on the development of education.第七条国家依靠科学技术进步和发展教育振兴农业。

10.Experiences, Barriers and Countermeasures on Furthering Vitapze Agriculture by Science and Education科教兴农战略纵深推进:经验、障碍与对策