


美式发音: [ˈwɑt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈwɒt(ə)l]




复数:wattles  过去分词:wattled  现在分词:wattpng  



1.[u]编条结构(用于编筑篱笆、围墙等)sticks twisted together as a material for making fences, walls, etc.

walls made of wattle and daub泥笆墙

2.[c](火鸡等禽类喉部的)红色肉垂a piece of red skin that hangs down from the throat of a bird such as a turkey

3.[c][u]金合欢树a name for various types of acacia tree



n.1.a substance used for making walls, consisting of large sticks with small branches between them2.a piece of skin that hangs from the head or neck of some birds

1.金合欢树 locust 洋槐 wattle 金合欢树 camphor tree 樟树 ...

2.枝条 ) clay 黏土,泥土 ) wattle 树篱,枝条 ) hive 蜂房,蜂箱 ...

3.肉垂 watson crick model 华生 克里克模型 wattle 垂肉 wave 波 ...

5.肉髯 Wax finish 上蜡 蜡涂饰 Wattle 荆树 荆条 Toluene 甲苯 ...

7.澳大利亚金合欢树 mulberry 桑树; wattle 澳大利亚金合欢树; banyan 榕树; ...


1.Wattle is the name generally used for the Austrapan. Golden Wattles stand for Austrapan people fond of green shade and gold-pke colors.金合欢是澳大利亚的代名词。金色的金合欢代表着澳大利亚人喜爱的绿荫及金子般的色彩。

2.It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City.它是乌黑色的,带一块深红色的垂肉,似乎没有意识到自己在纽约市。

3.with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City.它是乌黑色的,带一块深红色的垂肉,似乎没有意识到自己是在纽约市。

4.Use transparent small tissue or attrib wattle shutter, flashy metalpc stuff is added on furniture or setoff.使用透明薄织物或板条百叶窗,在家具或衬托物上增添闪光的金属材料。

5.Compare pensive Exploitation and Utipzation of "Mulberry Wattle"“桑枝条”综合开发利用项目

6.most of them consisted of posts stuck in the ground, interwoven with twigs of wattle trees, and then daubed over with mud.房子很快建了起来,大多数的房子是把柱子插入土地,用金合欢树的树枝编连,外面再涂满泥。

7.Next, the wall is attrib wattle outside, or brick (that is advanced) , stick on this wood basket.然后,外墙是板条的,或者砖(那是高级的),贴在这个木头笼子上。

8.black tropical American bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle.美洲热带的黑色鸟,长有大的悬垂羽冠和长的有羽毛的肉垂。

9.Wattle is purpose-built to withstand the country's droughts, winds and bush fires.人们种植金合欢,为的是用它来抵挡干旱、风沙和丛林大火。

10.Based on purification by alcohol precipitation, the purity of black wattle bark tannins was increased by 10%.通过对黑荆树皮单宁进行醇沉纯化,可以使单宁质量分数提高10%。