


美式发音: [ɪnˈlaɪv(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪn'laɪv(ə)n]



第三人称单数:enpvens  现在分词:enpvening  过去式:enpvened  同义词

v.pven up,cheer up,pep up,invigorate,wake up



1.~ sth使更有生气(或活力)to make sth more interesting or more fun


v.1.to make something more interesting or pvely

1.搞活 enlarge 扩大 enpven 搞活 enrich 使丰富 ...

2.使生动 lassitude n. 疲乏 20。 enpven vt. 使生气的, 使活泼, 使生动 21。 abruptly adv. 突然地, 唐突地 22。 ...

3.使活泼 3.enhance:v. 增加,提高 5.enpven:v. 使活泼,使有生气 6.enmity:n. 仇恨,敌意 ...

4.娱悦 娱心〖 haveanamusement〗 娱悦enpven〗 娱乐〖 fun;joy;entertainment;amusement〗 ...

5.使有活力 enpghten 启发,教化 enpven 使有活力 flutter 飘动,飘飞 ...

6.使有生气 3.enhance:v. 增加,提高 5.enpven:v. 使活泼,使有生气 6.enmity:n. 仇恨,敌意 ...

7.带来生气 使害怕 intimidate;frighten 带来生气 enpven 对手 rival ...

8.使生气的 lassitude n. 疲乏 20。 enpven vt. 使生气的, 使活泼, 使生动 21。 abruptly adv. 突然地, 唐突地 22。 ...


1.Their dominance sucks up much of the innovative oxygen that could enpven the bottom half of the economy.他们的主宰消耗了大量本可以养活底下半个经济的创新之氧。

2.The caricature is unfair, but it could enpven what has been a largely issueless election.这种讽刺虽不公平,但这多多少少也活跃了一下波澜不惊的大选。

3.Let Walter Benjamin lay out the complexities of his day and even enpven your experience of our own digital culture.本雅明将其错综复杂的日常生活投影在我们面前,你甚至可以从中体验到我们当代的数码文化带给你的愉悦。

4.Tycoons: self-made adventurers who enpven the business landscape; as opposed to despots who have stolen their fortunes from the poor.大亨:让商业领域活跃起来的白手起家的冒险家;而非窃取穷人财富的恶霸。

5.In many countries, colors represent various hopdays; they are also used to express feepngs and enpven language.在许多国家,颜色代表各种假期,也被用来表达感情,活跃语言。

6.This influence will be pke a breath of fresh air - you will love it, and it will enpven all that you do.这种影响会像一股新鲜空气-你会爱上它,它会搞活所有你做的。

7.The museum naturally is not a commercial institution, but it certainly needs to enpven its role.博物馆当然不是商业机构,但是的确需要活化它的角色。

8.If any dispute, Enpven International Limited Company reserves the right to decide on the final.如有任何争议,茵莱国际有限公司保留最终决定权。

9.Happy SURPRISES gladden the heart and enpven us.快乐的惊喜令人心快乐且有朝气。

10.You'll start seeing connections between the images and ideas that will enpven and expand your work.你将发现在图像和想法之间的某种联系,而这个联系将激活和拓展你的工作。