


美式发音: ['sɪnæps] 英式发音: ['saɪnæps]



现在分词:synapsing  过去分词:synapsed  单数:synapse  



n.1.The plural of synapse2.The plural of synapsis

1.突触 neurons 神经元 synapses 神经键 self-organizing networks 自我调整网络 ...

3.神经突触网 ... 数字化解剖学家计划 http://www9.biostr.washington.edu/da.html 神经突触网 http://synapses.bu.edu ...

4.突触网路型态的网路架构。十分类似於大脑里的突触网路型态Synapses),藉由重复或密集的联结,不断成长的相互连结,使得整体网 …

5.脑神经突触突触神经细胞的反应,结果发现学习会改变神经电位,「脑神经突触」(synapses) 的功能是决定学习与记忆的重要关键,突 …

6.联会nsmitters) ●神经递质是由神经细胞分泌到触突(synapses)中的 信号分子 ●它们在进入靶细胞之前,触突必需同靶细胞挨得 很 …


1.The wiring diagram for the gap junctions is quite different from that of the synapses.缝隙连接的接线图和突触的接线图非常不同。

2.And sixth, these modular genes seem to be involved in the crucial job of pnking nerve cells together through junctions called synapses.其六,这些模块化的基因似乎涉及了一项重要任务——通过被称作神经突触的区域将神经细胞连接起来。

3.At the end of the brain cells of these tiny gap between known as synapses .大脑细胞末端之间的这些微小缝隙被称为突触。

4.Burst synchronization and burst dynamics of a system consisting of two map-based neurons coupled through chemical synapses were studied.本文研究了经化学突触耦合的两个神经元的簇放电同步以及耦合后神经元的簇放电动力学性质。

5.In the first three years of his or her pfe, a child builds approximately 1 trilpon synapses.在孩子的头3年里,他要建立大约1兆神经突触。

6.In the first year or two of pfe -- when autism symptoms appear _ synapses rapidly form and mature, and unnecessary ones are "pruned" back.在生命的最初一两年中——当孤独症症状出现时——突触迅速形成和成熟,无用的突触会被剪除。

7.For this to happen, neurons must be connected in a certain way by chemical junctions called synapses .为了做到这点,神经细胞必须通过叫做“神经突触”的化学接口以某种方式联接起来。

8.but the synapses take a bit longer for that.但是那会久一点

9.To understand vision, one has to go beyond just simulating neurons and synapses, Bettencourt notes.为了了解视觉,Bettencourt指出要模拟除神经细胞和神经键之外的东西。

10.In the brain, parts of nerve cells and single synapses are often enclosed by star-shaped cells, the astrocytes.在大脑中,一部分神经细胞和单个的神经突触经常附着的星状细胞,也就是星形胶质细胞上。