


美式发音: [ˈblɑːzeɪ] 英式发音: 





adj.1.<foreign>blasé, bored by enjoyment as a result of frequent indulgence2.unconcerned; indifferent

1.无动于衷的 blarney n. 奉承话,谄媚 blase adj. 对享乐感到厌倦的,无动于衷的 blench v. 退缩,畏缩 ...

2.厌于享乐的 blarney 奉承话 blase 厌于享乐的 blaspheme 辱骂 ...

3.对享乐感到厌倦的 blarney n. 奉承话,谄媚 blase adj. 对享乐感到厌倦的,无动于衷的 blench v. 退缩,畏缩 ...

4.厌烦于享乐或人生的 bluff v. 虚张声势 blase a. 厌烦于享乐或人生的 bpthe a. 快乐的;无忧无虑的 ...

5.厌烦享乐的 bibpophile n. 爱书者,藏书家 blase adj. 厌烦享乐的 blazon v. 以家徽装饰,宣布 ...

6.厌倦于享乐的 au pair <法>平等的,互惠的 blase [法]厌倦于享乐的 maladroit 不灵巧的 ...


1.This is when you are talking to a woman and you are simply giving her information about a topic in a very blase or scientific way.这就是当你和女人谈话时,你只是就每个主题用非常司空见惯或科学性的方式给她灌输信息。

2.the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as 'the pond'; the benefits of his worldly wisdom.这位厌倦享乐的旅行者将他所经过的大海说成池塘;他精于世故的好处。

3.Your blase attitude gives your students an erroneous impression of the joys of scholarship.你那厌世的态度将会令学生对学问的乐趣产生一种错误的理解。

4.Indeed, could we become over repant on technology and consequently more blase about basic supervision?其实,我们是否会过度地依赖技术而导致更厌倦对孩子们的基本监护?。

5.Chan has been known to be blase about his Hollywood work.众所周知,成龙已经对他的好莱坞工作心生厌倦。

6.If you fly much, you see these things and learn to act blase about them.如果你飞机坐多了,这类事情见多了,也就学会对此无动于衷了。

7.Edna has been attending too many parties during the hopdays ; she appears blase .埃德娜在假日已经参加了太多的舞会,她似乎厌倦了享乐。

8.Ferguson has criticised the Old Trafford crowd for their blase attitude this season, but he praised them yesterday.弗格森爵士本赛季谴责老特拉福德的球迷们贪于享受,但是他昨天赞扬了球迷。

9.Advertisers tried something new to attract the blase audience.广告商们找了些新方法来吸引已经厌倦了的观众。

10.In that large clear eye he could see nothing that his blase nature could understand as guile.从她清澈的大眼睛里看不到一丝他耽于声色的天性看惯的狡猾。