


美式发音: [ˈmɑnɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈmɒnɪkə(r)]



复数:monikers  同义词

n.name,first name,signature,nickname,given name



1.姓名;名a name


n.1.a name, or a nickname

1.名字 think outside the box: 打破传统思维 moniker: 名字;绰号 Caucasian: 白种人的 ...

2.绰号 think outside the box: 打破传统思维 moniker: 名字;绰号 Caucasian: 白种人的 ...

3.名字对象 Module — 模块 Moniker名字对象 Multitargeting — 多目标 ...

4.外号 carte blanche1. 全权委托 moniker1. 名字;外号;绰号[亦拼作 éclat1. 大成功 ...

5.别名 method( 方法) moniker别名) multi-tasking( 多任务) ...

6.自行车鹿角龙头 激光投影GPS: Open Sight 自行车鹿角龙头Moniker 自行车内藏锁: InterLock ...


1.A reference to the moniker that has been built from the display name up to this point.对迄今为止已经从显示名称生成的名字对象的引用。

2.In fact, he said Stefanski would warrant the regal moniker even if he made the trade and 'Melo only played one minute in a Sixers uniform.他说,事实上,如果斯特范斯基达成了这单交易,那么哪怕是甜瓜仅仅为76人出战一分钟,斯特范斯基都将保证获得那华丽的绰号。

3.There was Kenneth Lay, whose moniker should have warned any innocents that cpmbing into bed with him was going to be a mistake.比如,肯尼思•莱(KennethLay),他的名字应让任何清白之人有所警戒:跟他同床共枕将是失策。

4.the model is potentially in danger of misdirection and ignorance rendering it a worn-out moniker that represents mere product features.模型潜在地处于被误导、及无知冠以其一个纯粹代表产品特征的破旧称号的危险之中。

5.The moniker is a joke, reflecting my name and that of my Chinese partner, Woodie Wu, but the group is not.是我跟我的中国搭档WoodieWu的名字组合,但我们的乐队可不是玩笑。

6.And as the New York Times has noted, some economists and traders have begun to refer to London by an ominous moniker: Reykjavik-on-Thames.《纽约时报》报道到,一些经济学家和商人现在已经改用一个厄运外号来称呼伦敦了:泰晤士河上的雷克雅末。

7.Indicates whether this moniker is of one of the system-suppped moniker classes.指示该名字对象是否是系统提供的名字对象类之一的对象。

8.Although I admit few people would vie for the pathetically normal moniker without at least a double shot of truth serum.我相信,没有几个人在有意识的情况下,会争夺一个普通名字。

9.The arguments for a query operation are the JPQL string or moniker of a predefined named query.查询操作的参数是JPQL字符串或预定义名称查询的别名。

10.Instead, the group set up in a nearby park, keeping the 'Occupy Wall Street' moniker.抗议者只好在华尔街附近的一个公园安营扎寨,以使“占领华尔街”的称谓名副其实。