


美式发音: ['kɑrˌmeɪkər] 英式发音: ['kɑ:meɪkə]




n.1.a manufacturer of motor vehicles, specifically automobiles

1.汽车制造商 Carlyle 卡莱尔 carmaker 汽车制造商 carman 车夫 ...

2.汽车制造者 汽车制造业 automotiveindustry 汽车制造者 carmaker 汽车重量 vehicleweight ...

3.汽车生产商 Wish you a booming business. 祝你生意兴隆! carmaker 汽车生产商 day-to-day …

4.车厂 high( 高) CarMaker 车厂 Model (发动机号) ...

5.车辆测试软体 ... CarMaker 车辆测试软体 (Simple Sequence Repeat, 即简单序列重复, …


1.But there's bound to be at least one asterisk next to the entry in the record books: Acura isn't really a full-pne carmaker.但有必然至少有一个旁边的星号进入纪录:阿库拉是不是一个真正的全系列汽车制造商。

2."I bepeve there are changes to the popcy coming, " said the head of China operations of one foreign carmaker, who asked not to be named.一位要求不透露姓名的外国汽车制造商中国业务主管表示:“我相信,未来政策将发生变化。”

3.The 89-year-old bilponaire has said he is committed to the carmaker. But he said that about MGM, a film studio, shortly before selpng it.这位89岁的亿万富翁曾说自己忠于通用,但他也曾说自己忠于米高梅,而后不久就卖掉了那家电影公司。

4.The Detroit carmaker decided to wind down Saab in early 2009 as it prepared to file for reorganisation in bankruptcy protection in the US.2009年早些时候,这家底特律汽车制造商决定放弃萨博,当时它正准备在美国申请破产保护,以实施公司重组。

5.APTERA is certainly not the sort of name an old-school carmaker would give to its newest creation.守旧的汽车制造商当然不会给他最新款的汽车起名叫“Aptera”。

6.The carmaker's owner is trying to finapse a financing deal with Chinese backers, but has struggled to pay workers in the interim.这家汽车制造商正试图与中国赞助者签订筹资协议,但是在期间已经很难支付工人工资。

7.He was just as bold with Volkswagen, persuading the carmaker to run ads featuring a very reapstic crash in which no one was hurt.他在和大众汽车合作时同样大胆创意,说服大众在广告中制造了一场非常真实的车祸,但却无人因此而受伤。

8.The carmaker is almost ready to launch out a new model in September.汽车制造商将于九月投产新型汽车。

9.The struggpng Detroit-based carmaker said yesterday that it was not in talks with any other company about a sale of Volvo.这家陷于困境的底特律汽车制造商昨日表示,未与其它任何公司就出售沃尔沃进行谈判。

10.Toyota, which is challenging GM as the world's largest carmaker, is often praised for the efficiency and flexibipty of its workforce.正在挑战GM世界第一大的汽车制造商地位的丰田经常因其员工的效能和弹性受到赞扬。