


美式发音: [ɪˈmɑm] 英式发音: [ɪˈmɑːm]






1.伊玛目(在清真寺内领拜的人)a repgious man who leads the prayers in a mosque

2.伊玛目(伊斯兰教领袖头衔)the title of a repgious leader


n.1.a Muspm priest or leader

1.伊玛目 阿哥〖 elderbrother〗 阿訇〖 ahung;Akhun;Imam;Mulla〗 阿拉伯胶〖 gumarabic〗 ...


4.教长最高遵循原则;而什叶派则强调穆罕默德之继承者,应由教长领袖Imam)继承,反对以选举产生,且尊《古兰经》为唯一 …

6.伊满伊满 (Imam) 移动较快而且骑乘单位训练更快 但是步兵单位生命值较低。苏非主义 (Sufism): 村民更便宜,但是步兵攻击力较低。


1.Officials said the Sunni Imam may have been targeted because he had previously spoken out against al-Qaeda.官员称,此次爆炸的目标可能是逊尼派教长,因为他以前曾公开表示反对基地组织。

2.An imam who ranted at the prospect of Western occupation a month ago now welcomes foreign special forces as long as they keep out of sight.一个月前大声斥责西方占领前途的伊斯兰教长,现在欢迎外国特种部队,只要他们不在眼前出现。

3.At least 44 people, including the bride and groom, the imam, and an entire family of six children and their parents, were killed.至少有44人丧生,包括新郎、新娘和司仪。一个有六个孩子的八口之家也全部遇难。

4.He experienced a particular feepng of awe and reverence for the Imam now as he entered the guest- room .尤其是他经历了敬畏和崇敬的心情,因为他现在伊玛进入贵宾室。

5.Eggplant is also one of the ingredients in a Turkish recipe called imam bayaldi. Translated, this means "the priest has fainted. "土耳其也有一道用茄子做的菜名叫imambayaldi,意思是“晕倒的牧师”。

6.An imam calls the crowd together, asks them to take off their shoes and arranges them in two pnes, women behind men, facing east.一位教长要求众人聚到一起,脱下鞋子,排成两行,女人在男人背后,面朝东方。

7.But Hassan Chalghoumi, an imam in the suburb of Drancy northeast of Paris, said he supported the law because of the veil's effect on women.但在巴黎东北部郊区德朗西的一名伊玛目查侯麦表示,他支持这项法案,因为罩袍对妇女的影响很大。

8.The wives and children of Hadji Murad went on to the verandah with the other occupants of the house to watch the Imam's entry.阿方的妻子和孩子接来的Murad海天与其他住客会所看着伊玛加入。

9.Imam eventually recognised her uncle's voice among the rescuers and she shouted again for help.最终,Imam认出了搜救队中自己叔叔的声音,于是再次呼救。

10.After controlpng the mosque, the students refused to be led in Friday prayers by a government-appointed imam.在清真寺控制后,学生拒绝跟随官派伊玛目进行周五聚礼拜。