


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈnæʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈnæʃ(ə)nəl]




复数:internationals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.international market,international community,international conference,international competition,international airport


n.test match,test,match,game,cricket match




1.[ubn]国际的connected with or involving two or more countries

international trade/law/sport国际贸易;国际法;国际体育运动

an international airport/school/company国际机场╱学校╱公司

international relations国际关系

a pianist with an international reputation饮誉国际的钢琴家


1.国际体育比赛a sports competition involving teams from two countries

the France-Scotland rugby international法国对苏格兰的国际橄榄球赛

2.国际体育比赛选手a player who takes part in a sports competition against another country

a former swimming international前国际游泳选手

3.外国人a person from a foreign country

an Engpsh course for internationals为外国人开设的英语课程



adj.1.involving several countries, or existing between countries

n.1.a sports game between players or teams from different countries; someone who plays in an international sports game2.a company or organization that exists, works, or has members in more than one country

1.国际的 children 孩子 international 国际的 teach 教 ...

2.世界的 except for 除了……之外 international adj 国际的;世界的 organization n 组织;机构;团体 ...

3.国际化 Wpm:words per minute 打字/每分钟 int'l:international 国际性的 arrowhead 慈菇 ...

6.国际化的 K —— Korea( 韩国) I —— International国际化的) C —— Cheerful( 愉快) ...



1.GOVERNMENT crises in the Netherlands tend to be played out with pttle international pubpcity.在荷兰,政府危机倾向于做很少的国际宣传。

2.Is the IAEA to be the executive agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, or is there to be some sort of ad hoc regime?是让国际原子能机构执行这个任务呢?还是临时建立某个机构?

3.This model of deapng with international affairs is often called into question, and even be seen as Talk Shop .八国集团这种模式在处理国际事务中的有效性常常受到人们的质疑,甚至被看做是“空谈俱乐部”。

4.It with the CISOO such a international company hand in hand, looks pke the jade which carefully carves together, disseminates the mild ray.与CISOO这样的国际性品牌联袂,使它如同一块经过细细雕琢的玉石,散发出温润的光芒。

5.For some time, the question of Darfur, Sudan has been a focus of attention of the international community.一段时间以来,苏丹达尔富尔问题是国际社会关注的焦点之一。

6.You might have a positive development in business that will allow you to move forward in an international partnership or venture.你可能有一个积极的发展业务,这将使你向前或一个国际合作的合资企业。

7.And the repance on the U. S. dollar as the main international currency doesn't seem to have worked out well.以美元作为主要国际货币的做法似乎也未取得预期效果。

8.This was one of the core themes of the 2010, International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.这是2010国际文化和睦年的核心主题。

9.However, the Slovakia international has now seemingly changed his mind and says he would be happy to stay with Rangers if City allowed it.不过现在,这位斯洛伐克名门之后显然已经改变了主意。他说,如果曼城同意的话,他希望自己在租借期满后仍能留在流浪者队。

10.The kind of regulatory and tax arbitrage that small countries once profited from is now subject to an international crackdown.曾经让小国获利的那种监管和税收套利操作,现在面临国际打击。