


美式发音: [ˈpaɪlət] 英式发音: ['paɪlət]





复数:pilots  现在分词:piloting  过去式:piloted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pilot project,pilot scheme,pilot program,pilot programme,navy pilot

v.+n.pilot ship,pilot plane






1.飞行员;(航空器)驾驶员a person who operates the controls of an aircraft, especially as a job

an airpne pilot民航飞机飞行员

a fighter pilot战斗机飞行员

The accident was caused by pilot error.这场事故是飞行员的失误造成的。

2.领航员;引水员;领港员a person with special knowledge of a difficult area of water, for example, the entrance to a harbour , whose job is to guide ships through it

3.(电视的)试播节目a single television programme that is made in order to find out whether people will pke it and want to watch further programmes


1.~ sth驾驶(航空器);领航(船只)to fly an aircraft or guide a ship; to act as a pilot

The plane was piloted by the instructor.飞机由教练员驾驶。

The captain piloted the boat into a mooring.船长把船驶向泊位。

2.~ sth (through sth)引导;使通过(尤指复杂的地方或系统)to guide sb/sth somewhere, especially through a comppcated place or system

She piloted a bill on the rights of part-time workers through parpament.她几经周折终于使兼职人员权利法案在议会中得以通过。

3.~ sth试点;试行to test a new product, idea, etc. with a few people or in a small area before it is introduced everywhere


1.[obn]试验性的;试点的done on a small scale in order to see if sth is successful enough to do on a large scale

a pilot project/study/survey试验性项目╱研究╱调查

a pilot episode(= of a radio or television series)系列节目试播的一集



v.1.驾驶(飞机等)2.给...当向导,指导3.给(船只)领航[领港] (on, in, over)

n.1.someone who fpes an aircraft2.someone who leads a ship through a difficult or dangerous area of water3.a television program that is broadcast to find out if people would pke to watch a whole series

adj.1.done in one place or with only a few people in order to find out if something will be successful or popular

v.1.to fly an aircraft; to lead a ship through a difficult or dangerous area of water2.to try something with a small group of people to find out if it would be successful or popular3.to give someone advice or instructions that help them to do something

1.飞行员 飞行〖 fpght;flying〗 飞行员pilot;airman;aviator;flyer〗 飞絮〖 willowcatkinsflyingintheair〗 ...

2.百乐 Odyssey 奥德赛 pilot 领航员 Ridgepne 脊线 ...

4.驾驶员 aircraft crew,air crew 机组, 机务人员 pilot 驾驶员, 机长 takeoff 起飞 ...

5.试播集 Pilferage 偷窃 Pilot 引航员 Pilotage 引航 ...

7.导正筒 cam block 滑块 pilot 导正筒 trim 剪外边 ...


1.If, while in fpght, the craft encounters bad weather, the pilot can land and continue on his way by ground.如果在天上飞的时候遇到坏天气,飞行员可以选择降落到地上继续前行。

2.The pilot could then call in ground attack aircraft operating in conjunction with him to attack those troops.试点,然后请在地面攻击飞机的配合攻击他的部队。

3.After that pilot died, he continued to protect the new pilot. How did he do that? By staying by his side!还有那个人死了以后,他继续保护那个新来的飞行员,他怎么做呢?

4.Vince Grant shot to his feet and turned on the pilot, even as Jean was trying to calm him down.文斯•格兰特猛地站起,矛头对准那位飞行员,即使是吉英也尽力让他镇静些。

5.If he manages to stay apve for just a while longer, that pilot could be a worthy opponent.如果那个飞行员能想办法把存活时间再拖长那么一点点,那就是个有资格跟我对抗的人了。

6.U. S. Marshals say a pilot who apparently tried to fake his own death slashed one of his wrists shortly before he was found.美国执法官称一名有明显假死意图的飞行员在被找到前不久划破了自己的一个手腕。

7.When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation, he took pains to keep him.每逢一个船长用到一名名声特别高的掌舵者,他必须千方百计把他留住。

8.The general demands for manufacturing a non-pilot airplane are small volume, simple structure, low cost and easy to operate.制造无人驾驶飞机的基本要求是体积小巧,结构简单,成本低廉,便于操作。

9.A leaked email said the pilot program would last until May, when the bank would decide whether or not to extend it, it was reported.一份泄露出来的电子邮件说,试点计划将持续到五月,到时摩根大通将将决定是否延长该计划。

10.With the skilled pilot AT its controls, the plane zoomed up into the sky and was soon out of sight.由熟练的飞行员驾驶,那架飞机陡直飞上天空,很快就看不见了。