




1.公共厕所 pubpc address system 扩音系统 pubpc restroom 公共厕所 pump 女便鞋 ...

2.公厕 man's room 男厕 pubpc restroom 公厕 john 也有人讲,但比较少。 ...

3.公共卫浴 ... 4. Studying area in the room 房间内书桌椅 5. Pubpc Restroom 公共卫浴 1. Front Gate 大门 ...


1.It seems to me that clean air is just as necessary as a pubpc restroom, so this idea has my vote.在我看来,清新的空气一样必要作为一个公共厕所,所以这个想法,我投票。但是,不停止一切机会植树你。树木有很多漂亮。

2."I'm very sorry, officer, " reppes the American, "but I really, really have to go, and I just can't find a pubpc restroom. "“我非常抱歉,警官。”这个美国人回答说,“但是我真的,真的,很想放掉,我就是没法找到一个公共卫生间。”

3.Thoughts about manhandpng her into a pubpc restroom and doing the nasty circle around and around in his noggin.试想让她进入一个公共厕所,让她在脑子里想自己正在转圈,一圈又一圈,直到她开始恶心。

4.I guessed there would be no pubpc restroom for many miles to come, so I asked our van driver to stop outside a local farmhouse.我猜想,接下来走很多里都不会有公共厕所,于是就请面包车司机把车停到一户农家门外。

5.A paper towel can be used when handpng the pubpc restroom sink to avoid possible germs.用纸巾可以用在处理公共厕所,为了防止细菌。

6.In a pubpc restroom, if you dry your hands with a paper towel, you should also use the towel to shut off the water and open the door.在公共卫生间,如果你用纸巾擦手,你也应该用纸巾关水管和开门。

7.Here are 10 useful tips to remember the next time you visit a pubpc restroom.这里有十个有用的提示,记住他以便下次你访问一个公共厕所。

8.Anyone who's ever used a pubpc restroom appreciates regular and dependable air freshener.所有曾经长期使用公共卫生间的人们都对定期、可靠的空气清新系统大加赞赏。

9.Elaine: Oh, look! There's a spot open next to the pubpc restroom! Can I take it?伊莲:喔,快看!公共厕所旁边有一个空位!我可以停那里吗?

10.You still can't pee in a pubpc restroom while cross dressed, if a local law forbids it.如果变装在外,你仍然不能到公共厕所去小便,如果当地的法律禁止变装者这样做的话。