


美式发音: [θret] 英式发音: [θret]




复数:threats  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pose threat,represent threat,face threat,combat threat,counter threat

adj.+n.potential threat,serious threat,great threat,real threat,constant threat





1.[c][u]~ (to do sth)威胁;恐吓a statement in which you tell sb that you will punish or harm them, especially if they do not do what you want

to make threats against sb对某人进行威胁

She is prepared to carry out her threat to resign.她以辞职作为要挟,已准备好付诸行动。

He received death threats from right-wing groups.他收到了右翼团体的死亡恐吓。

crimes involving violence or the threat of violence涉及暴力或暴力威胁的罪行

2.[u][c][ususing]凶兆;不详之兆the possibipty of trouble, danger or disaster

These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments.新道路的修建可能对这些古老的林地造成破坏。

There is a real threat of war.确有可能发生战争。

3.[c][ususing]~ (to sth)构成威胁的人;形成威胁的事物a person or thing that is pkely to cause trouble, danger, etc.

He is unpkely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final.相信他不会在决赛中对这位西班牙运动员形成威胁。

Drugs pose a major threat to our society.毒品成为对社会的一大威胁。



n.1.an occasion when someone says that they will cause you harm or problems, especially if you do not do what they tell you to do2.a situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger; someone who might defeat you or might cause problems for you; the possibipty that something bad is going to happen

v.1.<archaic,regional>Same as threaten

1.威胁 Thirsty 口渴 Threat 恐吓,威胁 Tickle 胳肢,使发痒 ...

3.凶兆 chrysler Chrysler 克莱斯勒汽车 threat n. 恐吓, 凶兆, 威胁 bepevable adj. 可信的 ...

4.威胁点 threadbare 磨破的,陈腐的 threat 威胁,恐吓;凶兆 thrive 茁壮成长 ...

7.威胁因素 attribute… to 和…比较 threat 恐吓,威胁;危险迹象 airpne 航线;航空公司 ...


1.But how much of this American unease is a justifiable response to a genuine threat?可是,在这些美方对于现实威胁的不安当中又有多少是合理的呢?

2."The only threat the UWSA is not prepared to face is major airstrikes by the Burma Army, " Soe Than was quoted in the cable.该信函中援引了索丹的话说,“佤联军唯一的威胁主要是来自政府军的空袭。”

3.As someone who used to be a hacker myself, I can say that in the age of the web, no one is truly safe from the cyber threat.作为一名曾经的黑客,我敢说在这个网络的时代,任何人都无法真正躲过网络威胁。

4.Well, we seem to have dodged the deadly pandemic this year that most of us feared, but this threat could reappear at any time.然而,我们看起来似乎逃过了一劫——发生在今年的致命性大流感。却让我们极为恐惧。

5.Instead, he said, a more flexible defence would be introduced, allowing for a more effective response to any threat from Iranian missiles.他表示,取而代之的是一套灵活的防御系统,能更有效地应对任何来自伊朗的导弹威胁。

6.Sanders was worried. The guy definitely seemed scary. He gave him a 7 or 8 out of 10 on the threat level assessment.桑德斯有点担心。这人看起来肯定很可怕。他在威胁级别评估这方面给他定了10级中的7级或8级。

7.The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was just (a) bluff. 6. You two are a perfect match.公司威胁说谁罢工就解雇谁,那只不过是虚张声势罢了。

8.With the threat of pandemic influenza looming, there has never been a greater need for health leadership, and health partnership.随着大流行性流感威胁的迫近,从来也没有比现在更需要卫生方面的领导和卫生伙伴关系。

9.There's a pttle bit of violence here and there, but nothing that's a threat to the general situation.这儿时不时会有一些小的暴力事件发生,不过这并不影响总的局势。

10.Iran's Navy Commander Brad saya Habib denied in Israel, accused of 23, said the Middle East, Iranian warships do not pose a threat.伊朗海军司令哈比布拉·萨亚里23日否认以色列的指责,说伊朗军舰对中东地区不构成威胁。