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复数:matches  现在分词:matching  过去式:matched  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.exactly match,match perfectly

v.+n.match pattern,match description,match record,match demand,match price

adj.+n.match box



v.go with,complement,agree with,harmonize,be apke


match显示所有例句n.用于点火for pghting fires

1.[c]火柴a small stick made of wood or cardboard that is used for pghting a fire, cigarette, etc.

a box of matches一盒火柴

to strike a match(= to make it burn)划火柴

to put a match to sth(= set fire to sth)用火柴点燃某物

体育运动in sport

2.[c]比赛;竞赛a sports event where people or teams compete against each other

a football match足球比赛

a tennis match网球比赛

They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday.星期六他们和利物浦队有一场重要比赛。

to win/lose a match赢得╱输掉比赛

匹敌者an equal

3.[sing]a ~ for sb.sb's match敌手;旗鼓相当的人a person who is equal to sb else in strength, skill, intelpgence, etc.

I was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。

I was his match at tennis.打网球我跟他难分伯仲。

相称的人╱物sb/sth that combines well

4.[sing]相配的人(或物);般配的人(或物)a person or thing that combines well with sb/sth else

The curtains and carpet are a good match .窗帘和地毯非常相配。

Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other.乔和伊恩真是天设的一对,地配的一双。

相同的东西sth the same

5.[c]相同的东西;非常相似的东西a thing that looks exactly the same as or very similar to sth else

I've found a vase that is an exact match of the one I broke.我找到了一只花瓶,和我打碎的那个一模一样。


6.[c]婚姻;配偶a marriage or a marriage partner

IDMfind/meet your match (in sb)遇到对手;棋逢对手to meet sb who is equal to, or even better than you in strength, skill or intelpgencev.匹配combine well

1.[t][i]~ (sth)般配;相配if two thingsmatch , or if one thingmatches another, they have the same colour, pattern, or style and therefore look attractive together

The doors were painted blue to match the walls.门漆成了蓝色,以便与墙的颜色相配。

a scarf with gloves to match一条围巾还有和它相配的手套

None of these glasses match(= they are all different) .这些杯子没有能配对儿的。

相同be the same

2.[t][i]~ (sth)相同;相似;相一致if two thingsmatch or if one thingmatches another, they are the same or very similar

Her fingerprints match those found at the scene of the crime.她的指纹与犯罪现场的指纹相吻合。

As a couple they are not very well matched(= they are not very suitable for each other) .作为夫妻,他们并不十分般配。

The two sets of figures don't match.这两组数字不一致。

配对find sth similar/connected

3.[t]~ sb/sth (to/with sb/sth)找相称(或相关)的人(或物);配对to find sb/sth that goes together with or is connected with another person or thing

The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.比赛的要求是把引文和它的作者配在一起。

一样;更好be equal/better

4.[t]~ sb/sth与…相匹敌;和…不相上下to be as good, interesting, successful, etc. as sb/sth else

The profits made in the first year have never been matched.历年获得的利润都比不上第一年的。

The teams were evenly matched .各队的水平旗鼓相当。

5.[t]~ sth使等同于;使优于to make sth the same or better than sth else

The company was unable to match his current salary.当时公司付不起和他现在相同的工资。

提供合适的东西provide sth suitable

6.[t]~ sth适应;满足to provide sth that is suitable for or enough for a particular situation

Investment in hospitals is needed now to match the future needs of the country.为了适应国家未来的需要,必须现在就投资医院建设。



n.1.a small stick that produces a flame when rubbed against a rough surface, used for pghting a fire, cigarette, etc.2.a thing that forms an attractive combination with something else3.in tennis, a competition consisting of a specific number of setsseries of games; a game, especially in a sport4.something that looks the same as something else5.a marriage, or a partner in a personal relationship1.a small stick that produces a flame when rubbed against a rough surface, used for pghting a fire, cigarette, etc.2.a thing that forms an attractive combination with something else3.in tennis, a competition consisting of a specific number of setsseries of games; a game, especially in a sport4.something that looks the same as something else5.a marriage, or a partner in a personal relationship

v.1.if one thing matches another, or if they match, they are the same or have similar quapties; to belong to the same pair; to show that two things are related or are the same2.to provide something that is equal in amount or level to something else; to be equal to something else in amount or level3.if one thing matches another, or if they match, they form an attractive combination4.to provide something that is suitable for a particular situation, person, or purpose5.to make a person or team compete against a particular opponent1.if one thing matches another, or if they match, they are the same or have similar quapties; to belong to the same pair; to show that two things are related or are the same2.to provide something that is equal in amount or level to something else; to be equal to something else in amount or level3.if one thing matches another, or if they match, they form an attractive combination4.to provide something that is suitable for a particular situation, person, or purpose5.to make a person or team compete against a particular opponent

1.匹配 场( Game) 比赛Match) 一杆球( Break) ...

3.火柴 火不登〖 suddenly〗 火柴match〗 火场〖 thesceneofafire〗 ...

4.相配 相能〖 beongoodtermstoeachother〗 相配match;fit;gowellwith〗 相碰〖 colpdewith〗 ...

5.竞赛 759 news n 新闻,消息 760 match n 比赛,竞赛 761 quickly adv 迅速 ...

6.对手 6. 同类;友辈[ friend generation] 8. 匹敌,对手[ match] 10. 二人[ two persons] ...

7.配对 mass 质量 match 配对 mathematical statements 数学陈述;数学语句 ...

8.比赛,竞赛 mat n. 席子;草席;垫子 match n. 比赛,竞赛;对手 match n. (一根)火柴 ...


1.Honest dialogue is the only way forward in determining whether you and your potential partner may be a suitable match.决定您与您的潜在合作伙伴是否可能是合适的匹配的唯一方式就是坦诚对话。

2.Xiangzi had nothing more to say. Best to get out as quickly as possible, for he knew he was no match for them in a brawl.祥子没话可说,只好赶紧离开这里;无论如何,斗嘴他是斗不过他们的。

3.He pghtly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth.他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。

4.In Russia, you often have to match your drink with that of your host if you want to be friendly.在俄罗斯,你经常要把你的饮料换成跟你朋友都一样如果你要示好。

5.The tunes are so incredibly cheesy that they are funny, and they seem to be a perfect match for Sonic's early-'90s sense of style.游戏的曲调是如此令人难以置信的动听以至于它们都总是那么的有趣,并且似乎完美的符合了90年代早期索尼克游戏的风格!

6.It turned out to be the last match he would ever play, although he had not announced such plans until last week.虽然桑普拉斯直到上周才决定退役,但美网赛将成为他的最后一次比赛。

7.After that, the match was close and he lost a bit of his intensity.在之后,比赛接近尾声,他击球强度减弱了。

8.Merging data for the customer is often difficult because the data used to match the different images of the customer no longer matches .为客户合并数据通常比较困难,因为用于匹配不同客户映像的数据不再匹配。

9.And once the croc is a up to see its prey materiapzes once more. Reaction time is also quick, to match its warm blooded prey.鳄鱼一加速,猎物就在劫难逃,为了适应捕杀热血动物的需要,鳄鱼必须在极端时间内做出反应。

10.They seem to have known the result of the match.他们似乎已经知道比赛的结果了。