




1.雪愿 突击行动 Active Stealth 雪愿 Snow Days 类 型: 喜剧 爱情 地 区:美国 Starry Night ...

2.雪花项链 moorigin_Dahpa 大理花项链 (S) moorigin_Snow Days 雪花项链 (S) moorigin_Lake Brooch 湖泊胸针 ...

3.滑雪 宇昂生日 Justin's 7th Birthday 滑雪 Snow days 墨西哥 Mexico ...

4.天雪假况,各地方教育局规画年度行事历时,会事先预留3至5天雪假(snow days)的弹性空间,并拟订停课、晚两小时上学,或提前 …

5.雪天 Progressive Field)变成名为 “雪天”(Snow Days)的冬日乐园,并开辟了溜冰场和八个滑雪道。


1.The kind of weather called "wind as snow" days by local people is no less colder than the the weather of below-zero days in north China.被我们这里人称作“微风雪水”的日子不比北方零下温度的天气冷,甚至更冷。

2.Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher, had been through brat snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one.芬利森小姐,我的幼儿园老师,早已经在下雪天多次穿过厚厚的积雪了。但我想她可能还记得这一次的情形。

3.Snow is a symbol of winter, there is no snow days, the count is Not a real winter.雪是冬季的象征,没有雪的日子,是算不得真正的冬季的。

4.Long time no hear your voice, long time no one psten to me talk, flying in the snow days, really miss you, Happy New Year!好久没有听到你的声音,好久没有人听我谈心,在雪花飞舞的日子里,真的好想你,祝新年快乐!

5.Snow days, you remember that happened the night of the snow story? Similar to us - go to the beach with the sea . . .天又下雪了,还记得那个雪夜里发生的故事吗?我们相约-到海边一起去出海…

6.His newsstand never stops operation, even during rainy or heavy snow days.即使在大雨或者暴雪的日子里,他的报摊也从未停止过营业。

7.January 20, 2011, Shanghai experienced heavy snow days, bad weather, leading to the airport many fpghts were delayed or canceled.2011年01月20日,上海遭遇大雪天,恶劣的天气,导致机场多个航班延误,或取消。

8.We love snow days and three-day weekends as much as your kid does.我们和你的小孩一样喜欢下雪天和一周能有三天假期。

9.Young kids can get bored during winter breaks and snow days.小孩子们在冬天到来及雪花飞舞的日子里会变得比较烦人。

10.He cried. Now plays inside snow days.他哭了。现在下雪天在屋里玩。