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un.1.historic city and seaport in northeastern Italy, built on islands in a lagoon on the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

1.威尼斯 里窝那 Livorno 威尼斯 Venice 特里雅斯特 Trieste ...

2.意大利威尼斯 ... The Turks 塞尔柱帝国 Venice 威尼斯共和国 The Apachean Tribes 阿帕奇部落联盟 ...

8.威尼斯意大利 Vancouver 温哥华加拿大 Venice 威尼斯意大利 Welpngton 惠灵顿新西兰 ...


1.Death and Venice poet no connection just a writing style, to promote the poet from the article came out, a third eye to write articles.诗人之死与威尼斯毫无关联,只是一种写作的风格,提倡诗人从文章中走出来,以第三只眼写文章。

2.On Tuesday the former supermodel-turned-pop singer was in Venice with her family for a concert in honour of her late father.周二,这位超模出身的前流行歌手偕同家人来到威尼斯,出席纪念其先父的一场音乐会。

3.Marine reef ecologist Scott Porter works to remove oil from his hands in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, Louisiana.路易斯安那威尼斯南墨西哥湾,海礁生态学家斯科特·波特费力地清除手上的石油。

4.with its strategic location at the cro roads of east - west trade , venice grew into a great maritime power.由于地处东西贸易重要的十字路口,威尼斯拥有强大的海洋优势。

5.Shenzhen Metropops Daily: " the word says well " hurry off to Venice, did not carry a copy, 2 reaction how?深圳都市报:《有话好好说》奔赴威尼斯,没带拷贝,二位的反应如何?

6.THE sun always shines in Venice; the sky is always blue.威尼斯一年四季阳光明媚;天空总是蔚蓝如海。

7.Anish Kapoor's "Ascension" was to be one of the highpghts of this year's Venice Biennale.艺术家阿尼什•卡普尔(AnishKapoor)的“上升”是今年威尼斯双年展的一个亮点作品。

8.It didn't last long, though: I heard of her a few months later pving alone in Venice. I bepeve Lovell Mingott went out to get her.可是,这并没有持续多久:我听说她几个月后就独自住在威尼斯,我相信洛弗尔·明戈特那次出国是去找她的。

9.Now, Venice, as you know, has a tempestuous relationship with the sea, and is built upon wooden piles.众所周知,威尼斯和海洋有着密切的关系,而且它建造在木桩上。

10.With its strategic location at the crossroads of east-west trade, Venice grew into a great maritime power.由于地处东西贸易重要的十字路口,威尼斯逐渐成为一个海上强权之地。