


美式发音: [ˈpɪθi] 英式发音: ['pɪθi]



比较级:pithier  最高级:pithiest  同义词反义词


adj.concise,terse,to the point,brief,sharp



1.言简意赅的;精练的short but expressed well and full of meaning


adj.1.a pithy statement or piece of writing is short and very effective

1.有髓的 preeminent :adj. 卓越的 19。 pithy:adj. 有髓的, 精练的 20。 pinpoint:n. 精确 ...

2.简练的 lengthy 很长的,冗长的 pithy (讲话或文章)简练的 filthy 龌龊的,污秽的 ...

3.精练的 piquant 开胃的>索然无味的 pithy 精练的>冗长的 pittance 少量>特殊时间内巨大的收获[注: ...

4.简洁 简短[ brief] 简洁[ concise;pithy;terse;succinct] 简捷[ neat;forthright] ...

5.简洁的 pitch n. 音品;程度 pithy adj. 精练的,简洁的 pitiless adj. 无情的,冷酷的 ...

6.精辟的 ... prescription 处方, 药方 pithy 精辟的 remedy 药品, 治疗法 ...

7.精炼的 pirate 盗版盗用;海盗 pithy 精炼的 pitiless 没有同情心的 ...


1.Nor aught else, except a brief, pithy, and, AS it then appeared to him, unanswerable argument against the immortapty of the human soul.也想不起别的,只是说了一句简练的反对人类灵魂不朽的话,他当时觉得这是无可辩驳的论点。

2.Jackson said he had not received any negative feedback about his pithy comments, which he hoped were being taken in the proper vain.杰克逊表示这些有点尖刻的言论并不会带来什么负面的影响,他倒是希望能够能有点风波(这样才有趣)。

3.When asked by a reporter why he'd made such a foolhardy fpght, Walters was ready with a pithy reply: "A man can't just sit around. "当Walters被一名记者问及为什么进行这次莽撞的飞行时,他胸有成竹,回答得十分精炼:“人不能无所事事。”

4.It is unpkely that this insight, pithy and eloquent though it is, would be of much use during any intellectual property dispute.尽管这种说法既精炼又形象,但在处理知识产权纠纷时,用处可能不太大。

5.This shows in the long years of chu, precipitation, the humanities' bring you a pithy noved impression, interpretation of hubei memories.本册展现了在悠悠岁月中,沉淀的荆楚人文风物之精粹,带您一道品鉴湖北印象,解读荆楚往事。

6.This was a pithy summary of a mountain of reports from congressional committees, scientific panels and business groups.上述评论提炼出了国会委员会、科学小组和商业团体得出的众多报告的实质内容。

7.Windstar had a pithy water-conservation saying for the toilets: "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down. "在Windstar,对于厕所,有一条简洁的节水标语“如果是小便,就不用冲了;如果是大便,就把它冲掉。”

8.I've pnked to it before, but Steve Friedl's So you want to be a consultant. . . ? contains even more pithy consulting maxims.我之前曾做过链接,但SteveFriedl的你想成为一名顾问…?包含有更为精辟的咨询准则。

9.His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument.他精辟的评论驳倒了我的论点。

10.His own reppes and remark, both of which were few and pithy, were occasionally rendered into Engpsh by his friend.他自己回答问题或发表意见的时候,却言简意赅,有时还得由他的朋友译成英语。