


美式发音: [ɪnˈfleɪm] 英式发音: [ɪn'fleɪm]



第三人称单数:inflames  现在分词:inflaming  过去式:inflamed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.inflame controversy


v.arouse,anger,fan,provoke,stir up



1.~ sb/sth激起…的强烈感情;(尤指)使愤怒,使激动to cause very strong feepngs, especially anger or excitement, in a person or in a group of people

His comments have inflamed teachers all over the country.他的评论激怒了全国教师。

2.~ sth使(局势)恶化;使更棘手to make a situation worse or more difficult to deal with

The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.保安部队的到达使局势更加难以控制。


v.1.to make a situation worse by making people more angry or excited2.<pterary>to make sb's feepngs stronger, especially anger or sexual feepngs3.[Medical & Healthcare]to become inflamed, get sore

1.激怒 incorporate 合并,并入 inflame 使燃烧;激怒 inspired 有灵感的 ...

2.燃烧 flamingo n 火烈鸟 inflame v 燃烧;发怒;红肿 inflammable a 易燃的,易激动的 ...

3.发炎 喷嚏 sneeze 发炎 inflame 打鼾 snore ...

4.使燃烧 incorporate 合并,并入 inflame 使燃烧;激怒 inspired 有灵感的 ...

5.点火 (neigh 附近+ (inflame 点火+ (papyr 纸+ ...

6.使发炎 infinity n. 大量,大宗;无穷 inflame v. 使燃烧;使极度激动;使发炎 inflammable a. 易燃的;易激动的 ...

7.着火 impulse 冲动\ inflame 着火 asocial 不好社交的 \ ...

8.点燃 inflammable a 易燃的 (inflame 点燃) trantable a 温顺的 ...


1.Though we certainly weren't trying to inflame or shock , we set of a wave of anger.尽管我们肯定不会故意去激怒某人或者惹人厌,但我们还是制造了许多非议。

2.The master of prose is not cold, but he will not let any word or image inflame him with a heat irrelevant to his purpose.散文大师并不冷漠,但他也不允许那些满含激情,但又与他的初衷毫不相干的词语或形象来激发他的感情。

3.Mr. Obama may fear an investigation could inflame the kind of partisan divisions he has said he wants to avoid.奥巴马可能担心,调查会进一步引发党派分歧,而他自己一直表示希望避免这种党派纷争。

4.The master of prose is not cold, but will not let any word or image inflame him with a heat irrelevant to his purpose.散文大家并不冷漠,但也不会因头脑发热,让任意与其目的无关的词汇或形象扰乱自己。

5.It has no need as yet to respond to South Korea's call to bring back US nuclear weapons, though this would inflame Pyongyang and Beijing. .就目前而言,美国尚不需要响应韩国要求美国把核武器重新部署到韩国的呼吁,美国核武器重回朝鲜半岛将会激怒平壤和北京方面。

6.Such moves could challenge interests of the U. S. and Saudi Arabia and inflame sectarian tensions across the Middle East, they say.上述美国官员说,这些举动可能挑战美国和沙特阿拉伯的利益,并激化整个中东地区教派之间的紧张局势。

7.Other experts said the findings were also almost certain to inflame a continuing debate over the widening use of antipsychotic drugs.其他专家表示,调查结果也几乎肯定在日益扩大使用的抗精神病药物领域将激起一个持续的争论。

8.Like mathematics, it can either inflame passion or turn people off; but either way, you know you need to understand it.如同数学一样,既可以点燃人们的激情,也可以消沉人们的意志;但是无论如何,你都必须理解它。

9.But the repression was just harsh enough to inflame protesters, not terrifying enough to scare them into staying home.可是这种程度的镇压适得其反,非但没把示威者吓到躲在家里,反而激怒了他们。

10.But in the cities the escalating heat and rumors of distant revolution had begun to inflame local tempers.而在城市里,不断攀升的气温和关于远方革命的传言也令当地人脾气暴增。