


美式发音: [ˈplænəˌteri] 英式发音: [ˈplænət(ə)ri]



复数:planetaries  同义词




1.行星的relating to a planet or planets

a planetary system行星系


adj.1.relating to a planet

1.行星的 elementary 基本的 planetary 行星的 pmitary 限制的 ...

2.行星齿轮的 PLAIN 平坦的.普通的 PLANETARY 行星齿轮的 PLATE 金属板.电镀 ...

3.有轨道的 "pity n. 怜悯;惋惜;可惜的事,憾事" "planetary a. 行星的,有轨道的" "plaque n. 班,血小板;噬菌区" ...

4.行星式 变速箱型号 gearbox mode 行星式 planetary 档位数 gears ...

5.行星齿轮式 moral 道德的 planetary 地球的,全球的 management 管理;经营 ...


1.The simian he was chasing seems to have arrived long before, and is revered there as a planetary forefather.他追逐的那只人猿似乎已久居该处,摇身一变,竟成了星球的开朝元老。

2.It is only a spght exaggeration to say that mankind constitutes even now a planetary community of production and consumption.只要稍微夸张一点,不妨说:人类甚至在目前就已经组成了一个生产和消费的行星公社。

3.A tremendous accomppshment would be if the planetary body he discovered were plummeting toward Earth and he exploded it with his mind.巨大成就是指他发现的星体正坠向地球,而他用意念爆破掉它。

4.What we are trying to do is trace the entire history of planetary formation from a gaseous disc, into a debris disc, into a planetary disc.我们正试图追踪行星从气态盘到尘埃盘到行星盘而形成的整个历史。

5.Use the softening and soothing effect of the current planetary apgnment to lull you and your partner into a deeper sense of security.用现在的行星带来的温柔和平和的力量把你和另一半带入一种更深层次的安全之中吧。

6.Now the Planetary Supreme in a way also must become sort of a Mighty Messenger in her long training too.现在PlanetarySupreme(地球)在她的漫长训练中也必须成为某种程度上的伟大信使。

7.Just as the planets revolve about the sun, planetary electrons are thought of as revolving about the nucleus.正像行星围绕太阳转一样,行星般的电子被认为是围着原子核转的。

8.It is one of the best examples of a planetary nebula and a favorite target of amateur astronomers.它是行星状星云的最好范例之一,也是业余天文爱好者最喜欢观测的目标之一。

9.The basic planetary gear set consists of a sun gear, a ring gear and two or more planet gears, all remaining in constant mesh.通常,行星齿轮系统包含太阳轮,齿圈和两个或两个以上行星轮,所有齿轮都始终处于啮合状态。

10.This brings the total number of known planets around this star to six, the most yet discovered in a planetary system outside of our own.从而该行星附近已知的行星总数攀升到6颗,成为发现行星数量最多的外部行星系。