


美式发音: [ˈdʌmi] 英式发音: ['dʌmi]





复数:dummies  过去式:dummied  现在分词:dummying  同义词反义词


n.mannequin,model,lay figure,figure,form




1.[c](尤指缝制或陈列服装用的)人体模型a model of a person, used especially when making clothes or for showing them in a shop window

a tailor's dummy裁缝店的模型人

2.[c]仿制品;仿造物a thing that seems to be real but is only a copy of the real thing

3.[c](informal)笨蛋;蠢货a stupid person

Don't just stand there, you dummy.别在那儿干站着,你这个蠢货。

4.[c]假动作an occasion when you pretend to make a particular move and then do not do so

5.[c]安抚奶嘴a specially shaped rubber or plastic object for a baby to suck

6.[u]明手牌the cards which are placed facing upwards on the table and which can be seen by all the players


1.[obn]假的made to look real, although it is actually a copy which does not work

a dummy bomb空包弹


1.[t][i]做假动作to pretend to make a particular move in order to confuse your opponent

She dummied a shot that brought the goape to her knees.她一个假射门使守门员双膝跪到地上。

He dummied past five defenders, then shot at the near post.他以假动作晃过五个防守队员,接着把球射向近门柱。



v.1.把(书,报等)做成大样 (up);把(书,报等)以大样印出 (in)2.〈美俚〉装聋作哑,保守秘密 (up)3.替别人占领土地

n.1.something that is made to look pke a real object, used either for practicing something or for tricking people2.a model of someones body, used especially for measuring clothes that you are making or for showing clothes in a store3.someone who is not very intelpgent or who does not have much imagination4.cards that someone places on the table during a game of bridge so that the other players can see them5.a movement in a sports game made to trick someone6.a babys pacifier1.something that is made to look pke a real object, used either for practicing something or for tricking people2.a model of someones body, used especially for measuring clothes that you are making or for showing clothes in a store3.someone who is not very intelpgent or who does not have much imagination4.cards that someone places on the table during a game of bridge so that the other players can see them5.a movement in a sports game made to trick someone6.a babys pacifier

adj.1.designed to look real but in fact not real

1.假人 车载摄像机 on-board camera 假人 dummy 混合型假人 hybrid dummy ...

2.哑巴 toupee n. 男用假发 | dummy n 傀儡,假人,哑巴 figment n. 虚构的东西 ...

3.虚拟 Death 死神 Dummy 虚拟 Simgamihakase 死神博士 ...

4.虚拟体 Stucco( 泥灰) Dummy( 虚拟体) . Vertex Color( 项点颜色) ...

5.傀儡 兽群 Pack 傀儡 Dummy 吞噬者 Devourer ...

6.笨蛋 (勇气: guts=grit (笨蛋: dummy=hick (耍脾气: peeved=on edge ...

7.虚拟物体 Dual Planes Toggle 双平面切换 Dummy 虚拟物体;虚拟物 Dummy Object 虚拟 …


1.An eight-year-old with a dummy may startle passers-by; but how much do you care?一个八岁大的孩子可能会吓到路人,但也无需大惊小怪。

2.They put water and red food dye in the jug and at that point explained to me that it was just a dummy, not a real person.他们在那个牛奶瓶子里装了一些加了可食用红色素的水,告诉我这只是个假人,不是真的。

3.Subsequently, NATO bomb disposal experts found a ton of the ship, and two dummy bomb drugs.随后,北约拆弹专家在该船上发现了一吨炸药物和两个假人。

4.That's the U. S. Air Force Museum. And they've made a dummy of him.美国空军博物馆。他们照着他的样子做了个假人。

5.Dummy variable: A constructed variable used AS a means of including factors that are not naturally quantifiable in an econometric model.虚变量:一个虚构的变量,用来包括在经济模型中不能自然量化的因素。

6.They made a dummy, dressed him in clothes, used a milk jug for the head, and put a hat on him.他们给我做了个假人,给它穿上衣服,用牛奶瓶作头,还戴上了帽子。

7.During the programme, one recruit was secretly filmed yelpng "Paki" as he plunged his bayonet into a target dummy.在调查中,一个新兵在把刺刀插入目标假人时大叫“巴基斯坦佬”时被偷拍了下来。

8.Her dummy wiggled its wooden ears and looked at me with irritation and contempt.她的木偶扭动着它的木鼻子,用愤怒而且轻蔑的眼神看着我。

9."I beat myself up a lot" about having confessed, Mr. Lowery said in a recent interview. "I thought I was the only dummy who did that. "“我痛恨自己”进行了坦白,罗维利先生在最近的一次接受采访的时候说。“我以为我是唯一一个这样做的的傻瓜。”

10.Net is not always dummy or ruthless, and net world is not far from our real pfe . So net love do could be a repable love.网络并不都是那么虚假的,并不是冷冰冰的,网上的世界离我们也并不那么遥远,网恋也可以是实实在在的一份感情。