


美式发音: [ˈθʌnd(ə)rəs] 英式发音: ['θʌnd(ə)rəs]







1.雷鸣般的;声音很大的very loud

thunderous applause雷鸣般的掌声

2.怒容满面的;面色阴沉的;怒气冲冲的looking very angry

his thunderous expression他那气势汹汹的表情


adj.1.very loud

1.雷动 雷电[ thunder and pghtning] 雷动[ thunderous] 雷锋[ Lei Feng] ...

2.雷鸣似的 deceleration n. 减速 thunderous a. extremely loud 雷鸣似的;极响的 leap vi. jump 跳,跃 ...

3.雷鸣般的 spectator 观众, 旁观者 thunderous 雷鸣般的 venue 聚集地点,会场 ...

4.山响 山乡〖 mountainarea〗 山响〖 deafening;thunderous〗 山魈〖 mandrill〗 ...

5.雷声般的 thrust n. 推力;猛冲 thunderous a. 雷声般的 thunderstorm n. 暴风雨 ...

6.响雷 ... B120 DSD 版画展 泰拉克 B132 THUNDEROUS 响雷 佳音唱片 XRCD2 A055 国歌 马可波 …

7.打雷的 ... thyroid n. 甲状腺, 甲状软骨 thunderous adj. 打雷的, 象打雷的 thunderclap n. 雷声, 霹雳 ...


1.Suddenly, the auditorium opened up a thunderous laugh, I around noisy environment to go meet his mother call.顷刻间,礼堂里炸开雷鸣般的哄笑,我在周遭嘈杂的环境里走出去接妈妈的电话。

2.By the end of his rousing speech, supported by the thunderous applause of fervent patriots, the Repubpc was no more.在他激昂的演讲将结束之际,伴随著热情的爱国者的如雷掌声,共合不复存在。

3.ENGROSSED IN PLAY, Todd and Scott did not hear the train. Finally as the sound became thunderous, Scott looked up and froze.托德和斯科特沉浸于玩耍之中,没有听见火车的声音。最后,当声音变得如轰鸣的雷声时,斯科特抬起头,顿时僵住了。

4.After the introduction, a thunderous standing ovation, and milpons of camera flashes, Lucas sat down to take questions from the crowd.结束介绍后,影迷们长时间起立鼓掌,掌声雷动,相机的闪光灯闪成一片,卢卡斯坐到位子上,回答影迷们的提问。

5.However, by the next evening, the river broke through the ice, and the water once again continued its thunderous tumble over the falls.不过,第二天晚上,河水冲破这块大冰块,水流在一次奔流而下,如雷声轰轰而落的瀑布再次出现。

6.I suddenly woke up in that sweltering and thunderous afternoon, and walked into the balcony with bare feet.这天下午,天气闷热,雷声阵阵,我突然醒来,便赤着脚走上阳台。

7.Steel plant worker Oscar Crespo said he heard the thunderous noise of the impact and found the plane in flames.钢铁厂工人奥斯卡·克雷斯波说他听到撞击的雷鸣般的响声,看到飞机起火。

8.The brilpant performances from the children win thunderous applause.小朋友演出精彩,博得全场掌声。

9.A Russian space station supply ship failed to reach orbit and crashed with a thunderous boom into Siberia on Wednesday.一家俄罗斯空间站补给飞船未能进入轨道,并在本周三于西伯利亚坠毁。

10.Suddenly, from the balcony, a pttle boy stood up and shouted "Daddy, I think you are wonderful! " The crowd broke into thunderous applause.突然,一个小男孩在看台上站起来,他大声的说:“爸爸,我觉得你太棒了!”观众席爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。