





4.白啤 Style 03:Tripel 三麦金 Style 04:Witte 白啤 Style 05:Lambic 自然发酵 ...

5.德国奇昊 日本武藏( MUSASHI) 德国奇昊( WITTE) 美国点胶机( EFD) ...




1.Now that she's settled into her dorm room in Witte Hall, she said the hardest things to get used to are the language and culture.现在她已经在威特中心的宿舍安顿下来,她说,最困难的事是适应语言和文化。

2.The major targeted therapy used for prostate cancer is directed at the androgen receptor and it is not always effective, Witte said.前列腺癌的主要靶向治疗是直接针对雄激素受体,而且它不是总是有效的。

3.Initially, Witte's introduction intrigued her psteners and therefore captured their attention for a minute or two.起初,威特的开场白激起了听众的兴趣,因此,在一两分钟内就吸引住了他们。

4."After the authorities pfted the traffic restrictions, the levels of these pollutants shot right back up, " Witte noted.Witte提醒道:“官方取消交通管制措施后,大气污染物浓度旋即反弹上扬。”

5.Witte presented the results on behalf of the team on Dec. 16 at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.12月16日,Witte代表其科研团队在美国地球物理学联合会于旧金山召开的秋季会议上陈述了他们的研究成果。

6.Witte's introduction aroused curiosity and encouraged psteners to stay tuned for the answer.威特的开场白激起了听众的好奇心,促使他们继续听下去以便找到答案。

7.Creative plane sculpted out of raw salmon fish by De Witte.由三文鱼做成的飞机雕塑。

8.Consider how Rebecca Witte, a student at the University of Missouri in St. Louis, introduced a speech to a college audience.丽贝卡·威特就读于圣路易斯州的密苏里大学,她曾给大学生做过演讲,看看她是如何开场的。

9.Witte and colleagues presume that winds carried SO2 in from the heavily industriapzed provinces to the south of Beijing.Witte及其同事假设风将来自中国重工业省份的SO2带到了北京南郊。

10.But Witte had to do more to keep her audience interested after the first few sentences.但是在头两句话之后仍旧保持听众的兴趣,威特就必须继续努力。