




1.一块木头 a spate of jokes 一串笑语 a piece of wood 一块木头 a piece of paper 一张纸 ...

2.一截木头 ...a piece of cake. 一块蛋糕 ...a piece of wood. 一截木头 ...


1.Oh, well let me defend this old word bench. It isn't just a piece of wood in the park or garden, you know!哦,还是让我来替这个单词说两句公道话吧。要知道,它的意思可并不是只是公园里的长椅那麼简单!

2.He cpmbed to the top of the bed and sat down, and then he reached over into the heap and pulled sideways a piece of wood.他爬到床的上面坐了下来,然后他钻到了垃圾堆的里面,并向一边拉木塞。

3.The boy now rushed home to his mother, beating his new drum, and told her how he got it, beginning with a piece of wood from the roadside.这名男孩现在他的母亲赶到家里,击败他的新鼓,并告诉她他是如何得到它,开始了从路边的一块木板。

4.There was a woodcutter who's about to pick his ax and chop a piece of wood, and the whole galaxy is one atom of that ax.有一个伐木工拿起他的斧子准备砍一块木头。他的斧子很大。整个宇宙不过是其中一粒原子。

5.When the bus broke down, she and her husband were able to fix it with a coat hanger and a piece of wood.有一次她开着她的大众车深入俄勒冈州的森林,中途车出了故障,但她和她丈夫仅仅用了一个衣架和一块木板就修好了。

6.to a leaf or to a piece of wood, then it turns and fastens it to the other end.开始蜘蛛把丝线的一端固定在树叶或一片木头上,然后转而去固定另一端。

7.On each side of the hut was a round hole pke a window, which could be closed with a piece of wood.在棚屋的两侧各有一个像窗户的圆孔。可以用一块木头关上。

8.Just pke an electric screwdriver pulls into a piece of wood, so these treads would cruise along the ground, regardless of terrain.就像电动螺丝刀钻木一样,这些踏板可以在地面巡航,不必担心地形。

9.He took a piece of wood to his room and painted it black.他把一块木头拿到他的房间里并把它涂成黑色。

10.Most people did not have pewter plates, but, had trenchers, a piece of wood with the middle scooped out pke a bowl.大多数人没有焊锡盘子,而用木制食盘,即把一块木头当中挖空成碗状。